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Friday, January 25, 2013


Well I am at Tokyo, still.  Current time is Friday 6:04 pm.  Been awake since Thursday 7:20ish am.  My plane is delayed about an hour so am still sitting here.  Found free wifi and am not turning it down.  Forgive me if this is short.  I'm mentally tired but full of coffee and coca-cola.  So most likely will be awake for awhile more yet.  By the time I get to Lincoln, NE (if I don't sleep) I will have been up for 56 hours.  Haven't pulled a stunt like that yet and am curious if it is possible.  We will see.  Being tired is very good for one thing.  I haven't the energy to freak out over flying and get sick.  The plane has movies and there are several I would like to see that I didn't see in theaters.  Getting to now though and thinking that it is a good way to pass time. Because these long plane rides are notorious for feeling super long and slow.  What would I give for a shower.

Incheon airport in Seoul is my favorite airport so far.  They have a very wonderful selection of shops and places to eat in every section of the airport.  They have plenty of restrooms, lounges, and luxurious things like spas, showers, saunas, prayer rooms, etc.  I really want a shower.  They also have roomy walkways, beautiful decorations, and cultural centers where you can try traditional Korean outfits or attempt different skills.  I laid down on a soft lounge couch, but thanks to the coffee I had had seconds before that, didn't sleep.  It was better there though than the two hours I spent chilling at the bus terminal in Daegu.  Below freezing and no heat.

Feeling like I am rambling.  So going to stop now.  Hopefully I make more sense when I get stateside.  If my plane would stop being delayed that is.

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