
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Friday, the last requirement was done, and all the teachers went home and collapsed.  I woke up this morning wondering if the Americans were here yet and what they were like.  Went walking out on the track and saw that there was activity in the cafe so there would be breakfast served.  Yay!  

Went to breakfast and there were three white guys sitting there.  Double Yay!  I gladly hugged Lon and was introduced to the other two.  Over the course of the day I was introduced to more the of group.  Really excited that they are here.  

We had our own Sabbath School and then joined the Koreans in an absolutely wonderful church service.  It was truly a blessing and one of the best Sabbaths I have had in a long time.  Enjoy a good lunch with them.

Spent part of the afternoon with them too.  Just talking and hanging out.  Then Lon told me he brought his wireless device so I grabbed my laptop and waltzed to the English dorms where I am chilling now.  Listening to the English conversations around me and floating out of the rooms is pure heaven.  I look up and see snacks that are English laying around.  They brought me spiced apple cider packets that I will hoard more preciously but have already dipped into lol.  

What had I been worried about?  With this amazing group of people, it doesn't matter if I am tired or anemic.  They are a team and this summer camp will be a good ten days :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Signing My Signature...

My daddy gave me a gorgeous pen last December with my name engraved on the case and on the pen.  I am now going to be using that pen to place my signature 32 times onto 32 pieces of paper that will be going out to the parents of students of my International classes.  Very grateful that I am not doing this for my other 88 students from my conversation classes.  We only give grades to our International students.  The other students are not graded, which is why class participation is the teacher's dream only in conversation classes ;)

Dorm Visit

Well I decided that I had to write another entry tonight to post in the morning.  It is simply too wonderful not to.

As I mentioned before, I was in a melancholy mood.  Knowing the joy that my students can bring, I eagerly gathered my decks of cards and headed to the dorm.  I was not disappointed.  One of the freshmen met me at the door and offered me chips.  I kindly declined, explaining that it was so hot out that if I ate, I would surely become sick.

This was not a lie.  It is pretty warm out.  In consideration for the school and the electric bill that they pay for me for my apartment, I had turned off my AC before I left.  Now despite it being hours later, my apartment is still not completely cool.  I've even turned on a fan to no avail.  I simply can't seem to bring my core temperature down.

This is an eternal problem.  In summer, I can't seem to get cool and stay cool.  In winter, once cold, I am frozen forever more.  Though I am trying to control this discomfort, I can only do so much.
Back to my story though.  I went on it and called out to the sophomores that I had arrived.  Being the end of the semester, it was no surprise how cluttered and unkept the dorm had become.  We cleared the table of scattered items and sat down to play.

Bless the freshman students, they brought in cool water for us to drink.  It was very kind of them and definitely not the first time my boys have looked after me.  Once last winter, when they were wolfing down ramen, one boy found chocolate for me to eat since I was hesitant to eat out of the communal bowl.  Us foreigners are known for being afraid of germs.

It was also fun to see that they looked after each other despite giving others a hard time.  It is true that joking can easily and accidentally lead to bullying and hurt feelings.  However I think tonight everything was in jest and saw no reason to be alarmed.

That was all I really wanted to say.  Afterwards I left and stopped by the girls English dorm for worship.  Their singing might not be as energetic as the boys, but it is always friendly and welcoming.  They were happy for me to join them and I was blessed by their presence as well.

Awesome Students

I might not have internet in my apartment anymore, but I do have my laptop and a USB drive.  So I am typing this out tonight and will post it in the morning.  Because the thoughts and feelings I have now inspire writing the most compared to mornings and just trying to look coherent until I am more awake.

Having the time this evening, I started a new anime that is sitting on my desktop.  It is short and so when I finish the TV series, I can delete it and have more hard drive space for pictures or something.  Got to episode 5 and this episode put me into a melancholy mood that should not have lasted.  It dealt with home and being where the people are that are family to you.  Since I am so lonely, it hit home easily.

Then at the end of the TV episode, two guys were acting like they normally do (basically awkward) and is meant to cause the viewer of the show to laugh and smile again.  It reminded me of my students.

I have randomly throughout the day had some girls wish me a good day or some boys walk up to me and say hi.  It always brings a smile to my face and I love my students all the more, even though I didn't think it possible.

There are in particular the English Dormitory boys.  I'm thankful sometimes for Koreans extra observational powers.  The boys in the dorm have a way of pulling me out of a bad mood.  Last night, I had gone over and taught the freshmen a card game I enjoy called Red Devil.  Why it has that name baffles me, but is about strategy and speed.  I can win despite being at a disadvantage of having no one on my team.

Anyrate, some other boys saw me and looked startled, then shrieked and screamed like girls.  You see, when I first started going over there, they weren't very mindful that visitors might come in and came out of the showers not as covered as I would have preferred.  So it evidently has become a joke.  They did so last night even though they were decent just for fun.  I was startled but realized their joke and laughed with them.

Today in class, I warned them I was coming over again to hang out with the sophomores.  Instantly, one of my sophomores did his dramatic shriek.  It brought an instant laugh.

So when I finished my TV episode, I thought about how I have to go to the dorm tonight.  The first thing I imagined was the welcome I would get when I walked through the doors.  Exaggerated scream and wide eyes of shock... followed by laughter.  It instantly made me laugh, pulled me out of my melancholy mood, and placed me in a more positive frame of mind.

As much as I might miss my dear family and friends, I am not alone.  God gave me wonderful students and placed coworkers in my life to help me while I am here gaining skills and experience.  Everything is fine :)

Song lyrics of a song I am listening to is this:

"All this time, spent in vain, wasted years, wasted gain, all is lost, hope remains, and this war is not over... there is a Light, there is a Son, taking over shattered ones, to the place where we belong, and His love will conquer all... and His love will conquer all."

It doesn't matter what happens, God is taking care of me :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cause and Effect

Something that most Americans understand is cause and effect.  When an event occurs, there are results from that event.  The basics of this concept is understood in Korea, however the more difficult the thinking process then the harder it is for my students to grasp what is being taught.

For example, letting go of a cup while it is in the air will result in it falling.  This can lead to breaking or spilling.  Koreans understand this.

However, changing lanes while driving while not looking over your shoulder first can lead to a crash... is not something they seem to grasp.

So I am determined that critical thinking be introduced and learned.  I'm starting with cause and effect which is part of their summer homework.  Before summer starts for them though, I am spending time in class giving examples.

Yesterday was particularly fun.  I drew pictures!

First we did something simple to build on.  A picture of a peaceful island.  A rock hitting water.  Ripples.  Only later did I think of how I could of expanded that to the rock hitting a fish and giving it a headache.  After all, a cause can have more than one effect.

Then I made it harder.  I drew a delightful stick figure standing in the dark.  I said that the person was afraid.  Why?  It was fun hearing their reasons.  "Because it is dark Teacher."   "Okay, and why is the person afraid of the dark?"  Oh man, the answers were numerous.  Learning where those ideas came from showed who influences my students.  Another reason was "violence."  Evidently bad people are out at night.  This comes from media, news, police, and moms.  Right as I was showing how there can be many causes to create one effect... I was interrupted.

Another teacher came in and told the kids that there was another school assembly on violence and to please go to the auditorium where the police waited for them so that they could give a lecture.


PS - I know, why talk about this.  Well, I wanted to post something and this was the only thing I could think of to say to show you Korean life at my school.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Internet, Storms, and Gandhi

Hello family and friends,

So my laptop no longer works with an ethernet cable.  This means I can only access the internet at work. Yes, I came to school at 6am on Sunday just so I could check emails, facebook, and menewsha.  This also means that in the evenings I can no longer get online unless I go to school.  I most likely won't.

I am going to bed now days by 9:30pm and getting up at 5am, so spending that much more time at school is not a welcome idea.

Yesterday, as I was chilling in my apartment, a sudden noise had me looking up at the window.  The once bright sky was dark and stormy with wind blowing in through all the badly-sealed places around the window.  I jumped up and ran outside where I saw Valentina and heard girls screaming in delight.  I also was met by a strong wall of wind blow debris, dust, and sand into the air.  Automatically my arms were up to protect my face and I asked Valentina, "What the heck?"

I thought there was a tornado coming.   But we are not in Kansas.  She said as much, "Feels like a tornado huh."  I worked my way out onto the street and where I could get a clear view of the west.  There were darker clouds and white coming.  Rain.  Realizing that we were in for a drenching, I let the wind blow me back into my apartment where I cleaned the grit out of my eyes and mouth.

Never had something like that here before.  Must be close to what the rest of Korea experiences when a typhoon comes.

Without internet, and the rain keeping me from walking around the track, I started reading an autobiography by Gandhi.  In it he talks about child marriages and some of those customs which truly surprised me.  But so far I have found some gems in his words, the latest pertaining to art.  He feels that handwriting is an important aspect of education.  To be good and graceful in your handwriting, you must first learn art: observation and then drawing what you observe will lead to a natural observation and elegant writing of letters.  YES!  Art is important :D

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Morning Mishap

I had just finished breakfast in the cafe (amen for tofu!) and was walking down the street to my school building.  The elder was outside directing traffic.  The youth pastor was standing beside him with a flat cart.  Victoria, a female teacher who had broken her ankle (but doesn't use crutches because Koreans say it is too much work) was standing there.  The youth pastor talked her into standing on the flat cart and letting him pull her closer to the school buildings.  

They started along with a group of middle school girls and myself trailing them.  The youth pastor, sweet James, accidentally tilted the cart forward.  The front edge caught on the street and Victoria flew off.  In order to not fall down, her broken foot took her full body weight.  She immediately started hopping to the sidewalk and stone wall.  Needless to say she was in pain and was kindly not going to let James forget it.

As she started hopping down the street, I quickly slipped to her side to help support her.  Also, thanks to previous experience, I started talking to encourage her how close she was to her destination.  I figured it was more or less listening to me talk than anything I actually said that helped her.  Her English is good.  When we managed the stairs and finally she got to her office, she turned to scold James playfully as only a Korean can one last time, thanked me, and went inside with a dramatic air of one who is frustrated and knowingly has an audience.

Cleaning Stories

My last year in college, I took up an extra job working janitorial over in the old science building.  I was responsible for the first floor including the teachers' offices.  One day a teacher was in his office who was usually not there.  Uncertain since I didn't know him well, I cleaned the entire rest of the floor.  Two hours later, he was still there.  There was no getting out of it.  I knocked and opened the door, "Excuse me, may I please clean your office?"  Mr. Webb replied, "Wow, you're actually asking permission?  Of course!"

At this school I work at, when the group of girls that are responsible for this room come to clean, there is one in particular who is in charge of sweeping.  She comes up to me and asks, "Teacher, may I clean around your desk?"  Cute!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

It has been raining a lot in the last few days.  I had wanted so badly for all the rain in the US to come my way.  Looking outside, it would appear that this is the case.  Keith suggested that monsoon season is finally starting.  Whatever the reason, I haven't been walking in a week.  Suddenly the stairs to my classroom are a lot harder to traverse.  I'm drifting out of shape so quickly, losing my two months of work.

Still, I like the rain.  It is soothing and allows me to not have to use the AC in my apartment.  If I can help my school save money, I want to try.  Wish it wasn't so humid though.

Yesterday we didn't get to use the grill because of the weather.  So we used a skillet in my apartment instead.  Everyone enjoyed the food and we sent the leftovers home with Geoffrey since his wife and daughter didn't come.  Then it stopped raining long enough to shoot the fireworks.  Was a pleasant experience.

However everyone was too full to eat the dessert I made.  So now I have homemade ice cream and stained-glass cookies sitting in my freezer.  Will have to find someone to eat them ;)

We were going to go to a cafe this afternoon.  With Geoffrey's daughter still sick though, his wife asked that we meet at her place.  Consequently she wants us to help eat that food we sent over.  I might have made a wee bit too much?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Was up late last night working on cookies for the BBQ this evening.  Have a lot of plans in store.  Potato salad, linkettes, boca burgers, homemade ice cream, and of course fireworks!  Happy 4th of July friends and family!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Being Noticed

There is something energizing and encouraging about someone noticing your existence, your worth, your effort, your time.

We each have our jobs in life where we much work hard to the best of our abilities.  It is what is expected of us in life.  I knew when I became a teacher that external praise for a job well done was not something often given in my line of work.

So when someone notices when I spend extra time on my appearance or am working extra hard on a project for the kids... and says "good job"... it makes life a lot easier.