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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Drunk Koreans

I have a little story to tell you.

Today I went to town and was getting back later than I had planned.  Made it to Jain around 8pm, got off the bus, grabbed some water and a strawberry yogurt at the bus stop store, then walked into the taxi office to wait for a taxi to return.

While I am sitting there musing about how it took 5 hours to go to town, pick one thing up, and get back... low and behold a friendly Korean man walks in.  He reeks of Soju and I recognize it instantly from an earlier encounter an hour before.  This guy though doesn't speak English, which is a good thing for once.

He sat down beside me and started trying to talk to me.   I at first tried to understand.  He pulled out his phone and tried to get someone to translate for me but the fellow he called didn't speak English either.  A good thing in this situation.

So he tried to communicate the old fashioned way.  Hand gestures.  I am not dumb.  I figured out between his repeated slapping of my knee and the gestures he was making that he wanted me to come hang out for one something.  One drink?  One night?  In this case the same thing.  I played dumb, shook my head no, and kept saying, "English?".

Never been so glad to see a taxi drive up in my life.  I said, "Taxi" and walked outside with my things.  Much to my increasing nervousness, he followed.  He talked with the taxi driver.  Sadly the taxi driver was familiar with me and knew exactly where I wanted to go... because he told the drunk "SahmYook."  I cringed inside and watched him get into the front seat.  Hesitantly I took the back.

Something about Korea that I like is how nice everyone is.  That includes, evidently, drunks.

The taxi driver started driving and the Korean drunk kept trying to talk to me.  I kept confusion evident in my voice and face hoping that the taxi driver would save me.  Then I prayed that quite "help me" prayer.  Suddenly an idea came to mind.  Keith!  I pulled out my phone and called him, planning to ask him to meet me when I got there in the taxi.  He answered, and I shakily asked for a favor.  Right as he said sure, we stopped at a place by the road.  I told him not to worry, I didn't need help anymore, and would tell him later.

Then came more gesturing and me just waving goodbye as the drunk opened my door and invited me to come with him.  I pretended uncertain confusion and waved goodbye.  The taxi driver drove me away, then gestured that the drunk wanted me to drink there with him.  I shook my head no to that with no confusion whatsoever.  The driver kindly helped me get my stuff out and I ran to my apartment to calm down.

Calmed down now.  My hands no longer are shaking.  And so it is more amusing than anything else ^_^

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