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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


In Korea, there is a large problem with human trafficking just as there is anywhere else in the world.  Sadly, many of the women who have found themselves in this position have come about it because they went into dept and were unable to pay back what they owed.  They took the only option left, as who wants to go to prison.

A lot of it is illegal and many find themselves trapped in a life they don't want and can't leave.  In an effort to help raise awareness of human trafficking, a group that promotes awareness decided to hold a fundraiser.  They had a salsa dance night with drinks and food for all.  I went an hour early for just the dance lesson.

Learned the basic step and attempted to learn two basic moves.  Very clean dance that is requires a lot of feet movement.  Had fun and found out what dancing is like with a good partner versus someone who doesn't know what to do with his feet or is off on the timing.

It was good exercise, but by the time I finished I was worn out.  A professor from Daegu University had heard I was coming downtown and hung out with me.  Was nice to have someone there to make sure I was okay.  He made sure I got back to Gyeongsan and on a bus okay.

1 comment:

  1. Mom - Connie VealMay 3, 2012 at 5:42 PM

    That was very nice of the university professor to be a chaperone for you. Makes a mother's heart sing with gladness that you are being watched over and looked after to be sure you are okay.
