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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jeju - Day Three (finale)

6:30 - Woke up and slowly attempted to get up.  Not easy, but I managed.  Stiff, sore, and desperately wishing for a different back.

7:30 - Since another school had arrived, breakfast was moved until later so that we both weren't be in the dining room.  When we did get there, the math teacher sat across from me.  Oh be still my heart.  I had noticed that anything remotely crumbly got stuck in my throat increasing my coughing.  So I only too a little fried egg as the day before it had been a problem.

9:20 - We went to a gift shop.  Learned that Jeju is also famous for their unique oranges.  Huge things that taste like mandarins.  A student walked around with me and I was happy.

Also it was during this day that I was inspired as to the uses of a cane.  I wished I had one to help me stand and sit.  That would have raised so many questions though.  Can't wait for the back to stop hurting.

10:20 - Stopped for an early lunch.  They got hamburgers and chicken sandwiches from the Lotteria.  Just think McDonalds and you have it.

11:00 - Stopped at a famous rock known as The Head of the Dragon.  Took pics and ran.

11:30 - Reached the airport.  Got ourselves sorted out.  I was by this point staying close to my students and fellow teachers.  The nerves before flying I think.  However I was moved by employees to the foreigner like.  Those I knew were done in 45 seconds and gone.  I was in line for another 10 minutes.  Finally got through and headed down to gate 9 to wait for boarding.

12:15 - Boarded the plane.  The kids were eager to get on.  I got a window seat again.  Super happy.  Then who should sit next to me but the math teacher.  Heart beat.  The plane took off and he fell asleep.  His arm kept shifting so it was touching mine.  He slowly drifted to sleep and his head started to fall towards my shoulder.  Then he would wake up enough to adjust.  It didn't help that I started having a coughing fit either.

One of the nice things was the captain said to fasten seat belts for turbulence.  There really wasn't any, but the clouds were super neat to see.

1:20 - A short while later, we landed, got on our buses, and returned to school.  The staff decided to go eat out.  We had beef that was fried by us at the table.  I was full and unable to eat the second course of rice and spicy tofu soup.  So the math teacher ate my share as well.

Then we went outside where I was having another coughing spell.   Teacher Oh gave me some traditional tea.  It is in a liquid form and very sweet.  It soothed my throat nicely, but I have since switched to ginger tea in an attempt to get rid of the cough.  Will sooth the throat when the coughing stops.

Then we drove back to school.  Teacher Oh parked on a slight incline with my side up.  I was getting out of the car when my door started to close back on me.  The math teacher quickly shot out a hand and grabbed my door for me.  *heart beat*  I am going to be a sappy lady and sigh dreamily right about here in my tale.  After that we went our separate ways.  Then end.

PS - My back still hurts, but I can live with this a bit easier.  If after class on Friday it still hurts, I will go to the hospital.  Also, if I still am coughing then, I will go to the doctor.  I am reluctant to since I would have to return for a checkup in 4 or 5 days which is when I am teaching.  But maybe I can talk him into letting me come on Friday, a whole week later.

PS - Sigh, I spent my time at Jeju with the math teacher.  Was super shy the whole time.  Hope he didn't think me rude.  Also loved the horses so much ^_^

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