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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Recent Happenings

This has been a pretty fun week.  Wednesday was a holiday.  A Korean Memorial Day.  So there was no school.  Instead I went to downtown Daegu and met up with the Mannem group that is based there.  After having everyone together, we went to a school's ball field and worked together to create a flash mob.

When you hear the word flash mob, what generally comes to mind is a crowded city scene where people randomly start dancing in perfect sync with each other to a famous song.  It looks really cool when 50 to several hundred people are all doing the same thing at the same time.  It also looks like it took lots of practice and effort.

I was surprised that it would only take from 11am to noon.  However, my expectations were not quite what happened.  It was video taped with no public watching.  We never did the whole thing straight through and messed up often.  However the goal was noble.  They were promoting international peace for both Korea and the world.  At the end, I got to wave an American flag.  There were several countries present in our group of about 40.

I was there until 1pm and got a slight tan out of it.  It cut into my schedule for the day but I suppose that it turned out alright.  Got some grocery shopping done afterwards and returned back to the school.

Now next week is going to be awesome.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be spent at Jeju - The Korean Hawaii.

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