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Thursday, July 12, 2012


One of the joys and hassles of the end of the semester is planning the parties.  Each class has their own party and it is up to the teachers to collect the money, plan and organize the food, ensure the party goes smoothly, and oversee the cleanup afterwards.  I helped plan the first of these parties.  Thankfully the other teachers stepped forward and have been planning the rest.  I will be planning the final party tomorrow.  Actually, I will probably do so tonight.  My juniors have been late in paying the money.  They kept insisting that I pay for it now and they would pay for it later.  The beauty of being broke at the end of the month is that I can not be pressured into these kinds of situations.  This isn't the first time.

I have discovered my new favorite pizza here.  At another pizza place than the one I normally order from there is a cheaper, healthier crust and sauce.  Their chicken and bulgogi pizzas are not as yummy, but their sweet potatoe is good and their Hawaiian Pizza is divine.  Needless to say, I would love to have their Hawaiian pizza more often.  It has pineapple (my favorite part), mango, and cherries on top.

Finding ways to balance out the budget and meet what the students want has been a challenge.  Finding a way for them to come to a consensus is always a relief.  They are doing well in getting along in that sense.  Wish that was all the time for all aspects of classroom life.  We often either vote or have them play rock, paper, scissors to figure out which way we are going to go.  Very effective means too since I can't be considered playing favorites.

The one thing Geoffrey and I both agreed on not letting them have at these parties is sugar.  We have to deal with them afterwards.  However, we are down to the last week.  Once tomorrow, Friday, is done then I will only have one week left to teach.  A bit excited about that.  Need a break.  Then I can have time to work on planning better lessons ^_^

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