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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Uljin Trip

Honestly, I am not sure I remember all the details.  It was really hot out last Tuesday.  Anyrate, the principle decided to take us to his home village.  His use of the word village and mine are totally different things.  Thing of a coastal town, add gardens behind the homes and stores, and you have his definition of a village.  Rather modern don't you think?

Anyrate, we stopped at many places along the way.  The first was a rest area.  Got to look out over the ocean.  Up north there are larger mountain ranges.  Take Oregon's green coastal range and dump it in the Rockies and you have where I was at.  Very pretty.

We stopped at a large crap lighthouse and took pictures.  We also stopped at really large wind mills, the modern metal ones that are taller than three walmarts stacked on top of each other.  There was some airplanes that were on display we got pictures by as well.  When we stopped at a second light house, we were in a town whose name literally means "Surrounded by Bamboo."  It was near a harbor that was gorgeous blue and clear.  I looked down from the lighthouse at the ocean below and thought, I want to go down there.

The principle saw my face and we all know how easy it is to tell what I am thinking.  So down there we went.  I stripped off my shoes and stockings, rolled my slacks up past my knees, and gingerly waded through the rocks to where there was a patch of sand.  It was cold, but felt amazing since it was in the 90s.  The waves only were calf deep, but the tide was coming it.  I saw some waves coming in that looked suspiciously higher and they reached my knees.  When the water level didn't go down again once they were past, I decided it was time to abandon ship.

That particular location had a set.  A fake church and a fake house with some stores nearby.  It was all built for some famous Korean drama.  The stores are real though.  That particular beach is shaped like a heart.  It was really neat.

We ate lunch at a traditional Korean place.  Bulgogi.  Thankfully the meat was mostly done this time.  I am not fond of cooking it when there is blood oozing out still.  For supper we tried three different pizza places, but they were all booked.  So I suggested McDonalds.  We went and then went to Baskin Robbins afterwards.  I had started to mention Outback Steakhouse but one of the other teachers said he didn't want the calories such a meal would provide.  I understood.

It was really nice of the principle to take us.  He was concerned about us having a good time, which we did.  He bought us two big bag fulls of junk food for the trip too.  I am not losing weight at all.  It was a good trip though.  Hoping to get pictures from the others.  I didn't have my camera charged.

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