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Sunday, February 26, 2012


This morning I started my day hanging out with the new teachers.  We had lunch in the cafe together, then walked around the school for awhile.  Then we hung out at the larger apartment and talked.  When they were going to go for a walk, I claimed work on my computer and went back to my place.  Made sure my online class for this past week was completely finished.  The next week's assignments are now up.

Then we met again for supper.  Ordered pizza and chicken.  They set up the table and we toasted with pop.  It was both relaxed and formal in a way.  The other guys all treated me with respect... like a lady.  I am unused to this, but found that I liked it.  I'm used to being one of the guys.  To be treated as a lady is new and not unwelcome.  Holding doors, serving me first, letting me decide the simple things like what to eat.  All of this was surprising.  After supper we walked to Namsan to show the newbies where things are located.  Enjoyed talking with them.  Felt a sense of protectiveness from them towards me at different times throughout the walk.  It was after dark so I suppose it was only natural.

I offered to show anyone who wanted to learn the bus route to town and back.  I am going shopping for groceries on Friday.  Need to get some things more quickly, like bread.

So I figured I could eat dairy here.  I must be wrong.  Even in Korea, I have trouble with milk and cheese.  So I will probably avoid dairy again... even the ice cream.  Wonder what else causes trouble to my digestive system?

1 comment:

  1. How good to hear the teachers are attentive to each other and to treat you with a bit of difference! The only female English teacher in a small crowd - how fun!

    It must have been good to be an authority on where things are located, on campus and off, from the time you have already spent working there for some months. It always feels nice to be relaxed about those things. Getting comfortable takes a little bit of time, I am sure, but you learn quickly. So glad everyone is willing to help each other.
