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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We have a new school year ahead of us.  Hint for teachers, if you can, clean before you leave at the end of the year.  This I didn't do.  Now I must.  Going through the papers and deciding what to keep and what to through out.  My binder of lesson plans were all examples of what not to do, so I didn't keep it.

Our meeting where we learned who had which office as well as what we were teaching went well.  After a rather confusing chart was distributed, we talked it over and straightened out the logistics of how we were going to work through this coming year.

I was a bit disappointed in that I am teaching completely new classes.  So I can't use old lesson materials at all.  It gives me a fresh start though, so I don't mind too much.  We are switching up how we teach Sabbath Schools as well.  The first weekend is ours.  The rest we teach.  We will be in teams and two classes will be provided.  We are to encourage students to sign up to come as they have the option of coming or not.

On a fun note, the age old game at this school was pulled out last night.  We played Monopoly Deal among most of the new teachers.  It was a lot of fun.  The students are in for a surprise if they can be forced to play by the rules including no more than 7 cards in one hand.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the organizing and assignment of teaching tasks went smoothly. Glad you had a good time with the other teachers, and that you are having English Sabbath School for students!
