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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So apparently the Seventh-day Adventists in South Korea have a large and extensive network.

As Teacher Michael was about to leave yesterday, we were standing outside talking while waiting for his taxi to come.  A white guy on a bike pedals up to us (remember I am in the country, the middle of nowhere) and asks if we are teachers here.  I'm blown away that a white person is even here.  Michael explains that he is leaving but I am staying.  The fellow says he is a professor from Daegu University, a SDA, and has been here for 10 years.  Wow!

Turns out that his name is also Michael.  We talked for a couple hours and he, upon learning how new I am to South Korea and how out of the loop I am with the SDA network, starts talking to me about all that is actually at my finger tips.  He generously offered to help me start meeting people, learning about more stuff around town, and take me to church.  So I will have people to hang and travel with, know where to buy vegi meat at, and even where the black market in town is.  Super excited.

SDA foreigners look out for each other here.  Anywhere I want to travel, there most likely will be an SDA at that place, and I most likely will be able to stay with them for free.  We all enjoy talking to each other evidently.

A relief, and truly a God-sent, is that he told me how if there was problems at my school that I could just tell him (or one of those he will introduce me to) and they will make the necessary phone calls.  There are people higher up the ladder than the principle who will talk to the principle.  Aka, I won't have to worry about violations of labor laws... I have protection!

And a new idea for where to get my masters has been opened up too.  There is a really prestigious school in Australia that is internationally renown... and I could attend if I wish.  Anyone would hire me if I have a degree from there.  So it is another option.

So why didn't I type this up last night?  Internet was out.  A new teacher that used to be here before and built the international program is back... and between him and a friend of his who is also coming here... I am super hopeful that this coming year will be awesome.  I can't tell you how positively charged the atmosphere is becoming.  And there are two other teachers coming... both with good reputations of being great teachers.  So I will have good models to watch just like I did last year.  Though I am already missing my friends who left.


  1. We have a friend at Daegu. His name is Geoff Barber. He went to grade school with Heidi. He married a Korean girl and they have the cutest little girl.

  2. Maybe I will run into him when I go to church. I will be going to both of them eventually.

  3. That is great news that you will have a larger staff for this school year now starting. I know you will still have a lot of work, but having more teachers there will be a blessing, I hope. If I remember right, it seems you had told me some of the high school classes were going to be getting the use of some of the new staff. Hang in there. The work is important, and God has chosen you to serve Him there!
