
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keeping Jesus Near

I want to share a little testimony that I am unsure many of you are aware of.  When I first came to South Korea, I did experience culture shock and homesickness like any other foreigner.

The first month I was here, I spent ALL my spare time reading the Bible and researching concepts or cultural things I found there.  It was my lifeline.  The first month I was here, sure I missed people.  I was not unhappy though.  My negative feelings were almost nonexistent.

Then I kinda just stopped.  And slowly life became lonely, depressing, unbearable.  I felt nothing could be accomplished or overcome.  That if only I was back in the states I would be happy.  If only I had English services to go to I would be happy.  If only I have family and friends nearby, I would be happy.

Then when I got back to the states, I found a trusted friend who works at Union College and relayed to her my observations.  She had helped me immensely through college, especially my senior year.  We realized that as long as I prayed and read the Bible, I was okay.  It was only when I deviated that life became so hard.  That was the missing key.  A relationship with Jesus.  So I started another blog, where readers would notice if I didn't write anything or didn't write anything well.  It is a way to encourage me to not let my relationship with Jesus slip again.

He is all I need.

1 comment:

  1. It is a parent's delight to see manifestation of a walk with the Lord in the lives of their children.

    The joys, the conflicts faced, victories won, the walk that continues through life.

    May God's blessings be with you as you seek to come closer to Him!
