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Monday, April 15, 2013


The never ending task of a teacher.  I am spending Monday morning grading the work my students did last week.  Monday morning, I have only one class right before lunch so it is a good way to spend that time.  And I forgot how much I had assigned.  It is the essays that are taking the most time.  However it is also the essays that improve my students' English the most, so I assign them whenever I can.  Hopefully they understand and don't regret this decision of mine too much.

The news has gotten boring.  North Korea has nothing new to say except that everything is South Korea's fault and that South Korea is trying to trick them.  Soooo... you can only read that so many times in the news before it gets boring and old.

Now I am just tapping my foot and wishing it would rain or something.  The wind has been a nuisance lately, almost forcing the pollen and yellow dust into you whether you like it or not.  Trying to not go outside if I can help it.  However I had no choice on Friday, and I was outside a lot again on Saturday.  The double dose was enough to get to my sinuses and somehow also create a sore throat.  I've so far kept the cold from fully forming, but if I stop taking allergy medicine or drinking warm water then all will be lost and I will get a cold. Not eager for that.

I guess the only other news is that the book club I am a part of is almost finished with Pride and Prejudice.  We are finishing the book this week and will need to settle on a new book this weekend.  The others in the group are Koreans, but they speak English very well.  One of them is a good friend and used to be an assistant here at school.  She still tutors some of the students, and introduced me to her other friends that she knew at university.  Turns out that that Korea is a small world, very much like the SDA world.  I'm hoping to bring Janelle to the book club and get her involved in that since she is a literature guru.

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