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Monday, April 29, 2013

Mid-Terms (3 pictures)

Yes I am at school... for three days... with no classes...
This is called deskwarming... paid to sit at the desk...
But never fear... there is grading to do here.
It is now midterms and foreigners do not give students tests at this school.  Normally we would go on a trip and sightsee some place.  However this time the principle and vice principle have business trips to be on.  So we are to stay here instead.  Probably a good thing since our next trip is to Andong Folk Village, with dusty streets, and it is raining.

What?  Rain?  But Teacher Mindy, you have bright light from the window behind you.  Where is this rain you speak of?

The picture lied.

It is drizzling a little off and on right now.  It should be more so later after lunch.  So I, who didn't bring her umbrella, will not dwaddle here come noon.

During midterms, there is testing during the morning and then the students are free for the afternoon.  Most go and study.  There are students who study so much that they stay up all night.  Tried to tell them they will remember better if they get some sleep.

Tomorrow afternoon is a teacher's sportsday.  I might participate in badminton, but I think that my team would lose if I did.  There will be snacks there though like pringles so I am totally going.  Got a love for the salty chips that I shouldn't have if I wanted to lose weight.

The cold weather has stayed here longer than planned.  Yesterday was the first semi hot day.  However I am going to be going to the track at least every other day if I can.  Went Friday night and then spent two hours yesterday walking around for a photoshoot.  Still, need to get out there and exercise.  This weight can't stay.

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