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Sunday, May 26, 2013


Last night when I was at Camp Walker, I had acquired some boca burgers and chick patties.  Armed with those as well as condiments, linkettes, chips, drinks, chili, greenbeans, and the comforts of a picnic... I went to a BBQ at Daegu University that a friend was hosting.  Maybe I invested a little more into it than I should have, but the newbie teachers weren't really able to help out so I was helping to cover for them as well.

Got there a bit late but we were still the first to arrive.  Michael helped show me how to set up his grills and then we got everything arranged.  When he got a phonecall that his friends where there, he went to show them where we were.  As he came into view to return, a lady (who was kinda mad at us for using the only western styled picnic tables) came over with campus security who was upset over us having the grills.  It didn't matter that the professor with us had grilled many times before... the lady was upset so he was upset.  It almost got physical but we found a way to ease everyone down.

Then we made food, put out the coals, and gathered.  When everyone was together, we hung out and ate while talking and kept talking after we were full.  Finally it was over, but it was the relaxation that was needed.  Everyone went their separate ways and I had some time to talk to Michael about some stuff that I needed a guiding hand with.  He had the advice and the words that helped with those issues and I will try to be a better person.

Overall a great day.  The people who came have regular access to American food at Camp Henry so they brought some normal salsa, pam, and other amazing things that I have missed.  It was great to see those food items.  Funny what a person ends up missing.  Learned which SDA church they all go to.  Hoping to go ourselves sometime.  Maybe this next weekend.

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