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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Self Defense

Sunday morning, Janelle and I left the school at 7:50am and walked to Namsan where we caught the 8:05am bus.  Reaching the train station, we chilled until 9:15 when our train to Busan arrived.  Getting to Busan Train Station at 10:35am, we then proceeded to get on the subway in Busan and work out way to Kyungsung University subway stop where the gym that we were heading to was located.  The floor above Pizza Hut (no, we resisted the temptation and didn't get pizza) was the DongChunBaekSan Jiujitsu gym where Vince and Josh were waiting for us and ten other girls.

It was a self defense class for girls to feel safe learning self defense with a garuantee of no men making crude jokes or saying things that could possibly mess with the training.  Aka, no boyfriends, husbands, brothers, etc allowed.  Afterwards, Janelle made the very enlightened comment that they had used a lot of positive reinforcement, and it worked.

We got together, hung out, learned each others' names (or tried to) and went over what we would be doing. Basically half the girls would work with one guy and the other half would work with the other guy, then we would switch.  After that, another friend would come and do a clinic with us.  So we did a warm up workout that had me pretty sure I was gonna die of a heart attack or asthma or both before we even started.

It was good though and each of the exercises we did were all in an attempt to improve our ability at running away.  Yes, there was a lot of running involved.  In fact we spent a long time just learning how to go from laying on the ground to on our feet and then how to run... all which we had to learn.  There is a better way (safest way) to do everything that I thought I knew how to do.

Then after that, we split into the two groups.  I went with Josh's group first.  He taught us TaeKwonDo stuff aimed at giving you an advantage.  First we learned how to stand.  Then we learned how to pivot.  How to block.  How to punch.  How to do all those things simultaneously.  Then we sparred with padded gloves.  One thing that really caught my attention was the repeated comment by Josh that I had a lot of power.  I've always assumed I was rather weak so being told I had something there that was useful made my day.

After that we learned to kick and sparred that way too.  It was just as fun, but I realized I had a lot of work to do to understand my partner.  I'm not very understanding of another's feelings and often how to be told bluntly how one feels or what they need.  So I learned some teamwork stuff there.

After that, Josh taught us something he called swimming.  Reaching a hand high into the air and bringing it back down close to you.  We soon learned that this was really helpful in getting the edge on someone you are wrestling, and from there wrestling commenced.  I was proud to win the sparring right away, but soon was getting beaten.  Afterwards, Josh said he had figured out our styles and that everyone had one.  Mine is evidently just pushing ahead full power.  That actually describes many aspects of my life and I was surprised by how he hit it on the nail.

Switching groups, I went to Vince's and learned Jiu Jitsui.  At least some basics for self defense.  He had us all lay down and practice how to get out of a hold if someone has pinned us to the ground by our side.  That took some work to get down.  Then we learned how to pull them in our guard and how to control them.  Then we learned how to get out of a hold if someone is sitting on our waist.  Quite frankly, that was scary position to be in and I am glad I know how to get out of it.  Then we learned to pull them in our guard again. From there we learned how to block.  If someone has you pinned, there is a good chance they are going to try to punch you.  Learned how to lessen the damage they do.  Vince had me try to punch him while he simply blocked, and I was told by him that I had a lot of power and to use it.  So this girl is stronger than she thought she was.

Then we learned some basic stuff we could do to them to either immobilize them or just completely hurt them.  Vince explained that if we are ever at that point in our lives... we are fighting for our lives.  Fighting to live.  Screw worries about the law or jail, better to be behind bars and alive than ... well... dead.  So I have no problem, with that thought in mind, ripping off noses, ears, or digging into eyes.  Among a number of other... techniques.  At least I hope I don't have a problem with it.

After all the various ground work there, Daniel (at least I think that was his name) showed up to teach us a clinic.  It was Philipino stick/knife fighting??  Whatever it is called, it is very cool.  Even a 90 year old could do it.  Basically how to swing a stick (or anything else) around in an easy and relaxed way that keeps bad people from getting to close.  If they do, thump them.  That is the simple version of it, it was a lot more than that.

While he taught us in small groups, Vince talked to us about how to use everyday objects to protect ourselves with, how to act, and what to not do.  I can use a chapstick to knock a guy unconscious ^_^ He told us stories about his friends and the stuff they had gotten into.  He warned us about what to say and not say.  Just so many things.

I grew up wondering if everyone in life was just complacent.  If something bad happened, would they sit back and watch and say how horrible it was... or act to help.  I have no doubts that those three men would act and act with all swift harshness against anyone that was a criminal, especially towards women.

We ended with laughter, tears, well-wishing, and a final dogpile on Vince.  The goal was to hold him down for ten seconds.  With ten girls... he was winning.  But we prevailed at last :)

Got back to the train station just after 5pm.  Grabbed a light supper and boarded by 6pm.  Was back at school after 8pm.  The taxi driver was nice ^_^  Got permission to use the high school girl's dorm shower so I could have a longer hot shower than I can get at my place.  Try to loosen up those muscles so that hopefully come tomorrow I won't be as sore as I would be otherwise.  It was a 4 hour class.  Worth every moment of my time and every cent I spent to get there.  Glad Janelle came with me.

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