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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cause and Effect

Something that most Americans understand is cause and effect.  When an event occurs, there are results from that event.  The basics of this concept is understood in Korea, however the more difficult the thinking process then the harder it is for my students to grasp what is being taught.

For example, letting go of a cup while it is in the air will result in it falling.  This can lead to breaking or spilling.  Koreans understand this.

However, changing lanes while driving while not looking over your shoulder first can lead to a crash... is not something they seem to grasp.

So I am determined that critical thinking be introduced and learned.  I'm starting with cause and effect which is part of their summer homework.  Before summer starts for them though, I am spending time in class giving examples.

Yesterday was particularly fun.  I drew pictures!

First we did something simple to build on.  A picture of a peaceful island.  A rock hitting water.  Ripples.  Only later did I think of how I could of expanded that to the rock hitting a fish and giving it a headache.  After all, a cause can have more than one effect.

Then I made it harder.  I drew a delightful stick figure standing in the dark.  I said that the person was afraid.  Why?  It was fun hearing their reasons.  "Because it is dark Teacher."   "Okay, and why is the person afraid of the dark?"  Oh man, the answers were numerous.  Learning where those ideas came from showed who influences my students.  Another reason was "violence."  Evidently bad people are out at night.  This comes from media, news, police, and moms.  Right as I was showing how there can be many causes to create one effect... I was interrupted.

Another teacher came in and told the kids that there was another school assembly on violence and to please go to the auditorium where the police waited for them so that they could give a lecture.


PS - I know, why talk about this.  Well, I wanted to post something and this was the only thing I could think of to say to show you Korean life at my school.

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