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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Another Blush Alert

Actually this isn't a blush alert... I saw in my stats that out of all the posts I have written on my life here, on Korean culture, and on trivia that the post with the most views was the one that was potentially an embarrassing topic.  So I decided to do an experiment and see if the title alone would general more views.

Still, I'm not one to waste a chance to write.  So Korean trivia time!

Oh wait, before the trivia, I want to share a link.  This link has any and all expats teaching in South Korea laughing so hard that the building shakes causing nearby Koreans to wonder if it is their first earthquake.  Here is it!  http://kikinitinkorea.tumblr.com/

Okay, now on to the trivia!  And yes, stole my info from google, but you should like it anyways.

1.  In Korea we eat with metal chopsticks.  I never thought about it but evidently the rest of the Asian world uses wooden chopsticks.  Metal is very difficult to use evidently so to see the 5 foreigners using them impresses our fellow Korean teachers.  In older days, the chopsticks were tipped in silver for the wealthy as it was assumed that they would turn black on contact with poison, thus saving the wealthy person's life.

2. The most prized rice in South Korea with the best flavor and texture is from the DMZ.  The most protected border in the world grows the best rice, on the South Korean side.  The people who dare live in there do not have to do military duty or pay taxes.  Of course they are in danger of stepping on land mines if they leave their houses so that is understandable.

3.  Koreans love being clean.  Even to the point of using a mop to clean the sidewalks of the city.

4.  Only in Korea would you find a bike randomly parked with no lock.  People do lock their bikes, but more people don't.  It is assumed that Koreans are really nice and kind.  That Korea is such a safe place because of that.  However, I want to point out that there are CCTV all over.  If you are in a public place, there most likely are cameras rolling.  A good thing for foreigners in the event of a traffic accident.

5.  Korea is huge on recycling.  I have never seen a place more concerned about recycling than here.  At home, you have a bucket or bag for all leftover foods.  There is a place for paper, plastic, glass, and cardboard.  If there is anything left over after that, then there are trash bags color coded by region.  Fast food places are no different in this.  You can't just dump your tray when you are done.

6.  Koreans who are promoting something (and yes, it is a common thing to do) wear sashes.  We don't know why.  They just do.  For any campaign or new issue they want to promote, there are people wearing sashes.  If you are lucky, they might be blaring some music and dancing too.

7. Finally there is the couple clothes.  Koreans are famous for their couple outfits.  Wearing the exact same thing but for their gender.  Hats, shirts, outfits, swimsuits, etc... So when I wear the same color as one of the male foreign teachers, I am careful to not sit near him at lunch.

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