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Saturday, December 8, 2012

News (and self praise)

The festival at the elementary school in Pahong yesterday was a success.  Many principals and teachers commented on my portfolio that showed the many worksheets, quizzes, and tests I have create.  They were envious of the materials and resources I had made.  Creativity is sadly lacking in Korean schools.  They do not know how to make their own.  Union College has taught me well.

At the festival, there was a reporter.  He interviewed me on who I was, where I was from, how long I had been in Korea, and why I was at the festival.  I could hardly say because I was told to.  Instead I explained I was getting a view of how other schools taught their students.  Except for a high school, our school was the best.

I made it into the news at anyrate.  Also, because I promoted Union College, my college's name also appeared in the news.  Koreans are not used to the word "college" and so he kept trying to add University at the end.  "Union College University" and "Union College and Lincoln Nebraska University."  I finally wrote it out for him and labeled college, city, and state so that he would understand.

Here are the links to the news as well as to the photo.

What is said about me is really just one sentence.  The reporter didn't elaborate on anything, but instead mentioned all the main events.  So I guess my presence was a main event.

I'll include a copy of the translation of where I and my two students appear from google since I doubt many of you reading this can read Hangul.

Mindy and Mr. Yeungnam thirty-six Middle School Native teachers in the state of Nebraska located in the U.S. Central Great Plains Dance   a sophomore at and fluent commentary seam wells Kim, Hyun - Ji Yang,

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