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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


When expats come to South Korea, they often either bring a hobby or pick up a new hobby.  I've seen many fill their spare time (or not so spare time) with things like extreme motorcycling, rockclimbing, kitesurfing, photography, cooking, NFL news, hiking, drawing, reading, volunteering, sewing, acting, hair accessories, etc.  People might just do it as a hobby for themselves, a service or business, or a way to meet others.  Something that makes this place more like a home.

For me, I have picked up or improved upon hobbies myself.  I'm still big into artistic things, most notably drawing.  I love to read and write.  I've picked up photography a little, though not as much as others who are more hardcore.  Something though that I have also started is watching whole seasons of a TV show instead of an episode here or there.  I finally am learning what some of my friends are so excited about.

One TV show I am rewatching tonight is the very first season of "Survivor."  I remember this season and hearing the theme music is very nalstogic.  You see, it played in the summer time when I was at my grandparents farm.  I remember the dying late afternoon sun casting shadows on the ground as I helped water the flowerbeds and garden.  Then Grandma and I would watch Survivor while we prepared supper.  Precious memories of perhaps my most favorite place on earth.  The farm.  So re-watching it brings those memories back fresh and I treasure them.  Even if summer's humidity was a bit on the sticky side and mosquitoes and chiggers annoying.  Good memories of a time, place, and people I care about.

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