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Sunday, December 16, 2012


Today was my birthday.  I had an enjoyable time forcing myself to wake up and head over to the school for classes.  The staff greeted me with bright and joyful salutations.  Geoffrey apologized he couldn't find a can of frosting and gave me a huge bowl of donuts instead.  Charles gave me cocoa flavored hard candy.  Food is always a safe bet lol.  Anyrate, got through my classes and ran to town for the book club.  And that, my friends, is when the real fun began.

The book club consists of three Korean females and myself.  We met at one of their apartments and inspected her new living quarters.  It was the largest living space I have seen in Korea yet.  The living room was spacious with large bedrooms and amazing bathrooms.  One of which even had a bathtub with a glass divider separating that part of the room from the rest.  The true jewel was the kitchen.  It had part of the counter extend into the room as well as an oven.  She won't use the oven because she doesn't know how.  I quickly volunteered to teach them how to make cookies, cakes, and casseroles   They laughed and said to some bake anytime, and they would help eat it.

For my birthday, Emma brought a cake.  It was a normal cake with layers, whipped topping and filling, chocolate drizzle, and fruit slices.  I claimed the strawberries and served everyone large generous portions that generally female Koreans wouldn't touch.  They are very particular about their weight and what society might think of them.  Still we all enjoyed.

Afterwards I met up with a friend downtown.  We went to a Turkish place for supper.  From there he helped me learn exactly where the different streets downtown were and what was where.  That was fun and we got a lot of exercise.  I ran into the Mannam group that I had done the flashmob with.  They were selling handmade Christmas cards for orphans.  We ended up going to a Norabang.  My first trip.  It was a blast.  We bought an hour, got a room, pulled out the music list, picked a few songs, and sang like our voices were more professional than they really were.  It was great.  I even got some scores with the highest being 82% accuracy which really surprised us.

Afterwards we saw the time (11pm) and ran for the subway.  We caught one of the last ones to the stop where his car was.  Got in and he drove me back to school.  He took the mountain route.  When we got to the top, he pulled over and turned off the lights.  I opened my door and looked up.  Orion sparkled in the heavens.  I was so surprised at all the beautiful stars.  I haven't seen them in so long.  Reminded me of the farm, the endless trips to and from the farm at night, and of Mauna Kea.  Was spectacular.  I just got in.  It is almost 1am.  I have never stayed out so late, but it was such a wonderful birthday that I don't mind.

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