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Friday, December 7, 2012

Pahong and a Sore Throat

Yesterday I was approached by a teacher and told I would be going to Pahong for an elementary school's English festival today.  Surprised, I agreed.  I was worried by evening though because my throat was starting to hurt.  Didn't sleep last night at all.  I half fell asleep and had crazy dreams where my throat was torturing me.  It wasn't restful.

Today I got up, taught one class, then was ushered out to the car.  I talked with a teacher and it was arranged that I would visit a hospital and get meds while in Pahong.  We started driving and after awhile we reached our destination.  We set up our booths and then went to the hospital.  While there, it started to snow.

By the end of the day, everyone was worried because the snow was sticking and covering the ground in about a quarter of an inch.  Doesn't seem like much, but it was enough to cause everyone to be wary.  The buses drove with their emergency flashers on and the taxis have never been so slow.

The teacher who was bringing me and three other students back was really worried about me because of my sore throat.  She bought me oranges.  It is Korean culture to go to work when you are sick.  I assumed that meant no one cared about you.  I was wrong.  She was so concerned that she ended up paying a taxi to take me back to school.

One of my students was translating for me and explained that the Korean teacher was worried.  I pointed out people got sick all the time.  She said I was special.  That the teacher was worried for me and that she, the student, was also worried for me.  Honestly I have been sicker, but it felt really good to have such caring evidenced to me.

The roads are icy enough that Sabbath School is canceled in the morning.  So I can rest.  Something I intend to do a lot of over this weekend.

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