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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Going to America?"

I have the cutest and funniest story for you.  First though, I will provide context so you understand how the situation developed.

My sophomores in middle school meet every Monday and Wednesday in the afternoon for 45 minutes.  Next Monday is their final test in my class.  Last Monday, I told them that their final was in a week so we needed to review for the final on Wednesday.  They told me we couldn't, because they were all going to be gone to a science festival.  Realizing I only had that day to review the content, I sat them all down in a large circle and began going over what would be on the test, clarifying last minute any concepts they didn't understand, and explaining why Upper Egypt was in the south.

This still left me with a problem.  I needed to give them a written study guide to use for studying for the final.  So today (Tuesday morning) I sat down and began typing.  I created a three page study guide with all the information on it.  Then I wrote notes on that explaining which questions were matching, multiple choice, short answer and essay.  Then I added a fourth page of hand-written notes explaining how to study and how to take care of one's body, mind, and emotions so that studying is productive.  I made sure my email address was on there so that if they needed to talk for whatever reason, they could.  Then I copied the notes on the copier and stapled them together.

Now I had a new problem.  How to make sure every student gets a copy?  They are from different homerooms.  Some live in the dorms on campus, but some live off campus.  How then could I get the study guide to them?  I talked with their other foreign teacher, Keith, and asked if in their literature class he would be willing to give them the studyguide after explaining why.  He agreed.  I went to my literature class.

When I came back, this is what he told me happened.

Keith was explaining that this was their social studies study guide that Teacher Mindy had prepared for them.  He then began handing it out.

Celestyn, "Wait!  Why is Teacher Mindy leaving?"

Keith, "She isn't leaving, you are."

Celestyn, "We are going to America?"

Keith, "No."  (pause)  "Where are you going tomorrow?"

Celestyn, "To a science fair."

Keither, "You are going to a science fair, but Teacher Mindy is not.  You are leaving, she is staying."

Celestyn, "Oh!"

Then Keith explained to me that something similar had happened when he taught down in Busan.  Only it wasn't caught in class and so the rumors spread among the students until the principal heard.  He called Mr. Han and asked why Keith was leaving and why no one told him.  Han said he thought the principal knew, not realizing that the principal thought Keith was going to American instead of to a local meeting.  The mix up was straightened out and all the teachers had to explain to each class before they went home so that the parents wouldn't start calling.

I'm glad that the rumor didn't start here as that would have caused a lot of trouble.  Still though, the whole experience sounds amusing and I am still chuckling over my students' reactions to getting a study guide for my class from another teacher.

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