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Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So once again I went to town.  Went downtown to go get some yummy food at Travelers.  Once again I got lost.  This time thankfully, I always knew where I was at.  I just couldn't for the life of me find Travelers.  *sigh*  Why does this type of not finding something or being lost happen every time I go downtown?

On the bright side, Koreans are super nice.  I stopped by a produce stand (only on the ground, no table) to buy some garden yumminess.  The fellow selling them was younger than most who have his occupation.  If that was a surprise, the fact that he spoke decent English was.  He even said, "Have a nice day." as I was leaving.  Wow!  It was said very nicely with little trace of an accent.  I was impressed.  Another Korean said "hello" as I was leaving a subway station.  Made me smile.  If they know English and are near a foreigner, they use it.  On the bus coming home was a cluster of high school students.  They spoke a lot of English.  It was really funny hearing them say things like "apologize... no you apologize" and "kiss... kiss... you kiss him you kiss him... no, you kiss her."  They amused me.  At one point one held out a button and asked if it was mine.  I said it wasn't but thank you.  I think those two boys spend like 10 minutes trying to find a way to speak directly to me when their peers had moved on.

1 comment:

  1. It just has to feel wonderful to hear your native tongue in a foreign country by its locals! I enjoy your stories of how the boys find ways to approach you to say something. Sweet!
