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Thursday, January 12, 2012

What did I say?

Today in class I was having a group discussion on the story we had covered.  I asked one group to answer.  Another group was talking instead of listening to the answer, so I turned to them and said, "Hush."  The whole class gasped and stared as if I had said a curse word.  What did I say?  I am pretty certain that I have used "hush" before with no such reaction.  Won't use it again though until I figure out what happened.  I kept going, but I really wanted to ask what it was that I had done.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of making security guard rounds while in college and covering an evening shift for another security officer who was sick. I was moving through the main classroom building/administration office building and turning off lights and closing doors to empty rooms. I came to a room that had four or five students in it talking and visiting with a fellow that had just returned in December from a student missionary year abroad. When they looked up as I checked inside the room, I said, "Howdy!". The newly returned student missionary turned pale and with a look of horror on his face asked me, "What did you say?"
    I felt conspicuous as can be and very shy at lightning speed by the strange reaction he had. I blurted out, "I said hello". He accepted that but seemed a bit in shock still. I have no idea what he thought I said or what he thought the word "howdy" meant in another language, if that is what the whole scene had really been about. I wish now that I had asked him what he thought I said. Maybe you can ask the students what they thought they heard you say, for meaning to them.
