
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Preparing For Visit Stateside

Getting ready for my trip back stateside.  Have my house mostly cleaned up.  Have my stuff mostly packed.  Been drinking a lot of liquids so that I will be somewhat hydrated when I get airborne.  Staying up all night so that I can sleep on the plane.  This way I will adjust to time back home and my family's sleep cycle more quickly.    Hoping I don't forget anything that I want to bring.  Trying to keep my suitcase as empty as possible so I have spare room for stuff to bring back.  I've been armed with advice from other English teachers here on what to bring back.  Mayo, vanilla extract, microwaveables, easy to make foods :)  They serve well during times when your tired and unable/unwilling to make your own food or go to the cafe.


  1. Please allow me to get you some Mayo. I was gonna get you some for you during your visit, but there's no way we'll eat it when you leave!

  2. We are looking forward excitedly for your visit here!

    Vacation days have been arranged so that time can be spent with you and sharing the joy of the Pacific Northwest with you. The ocean is putting on some pretty great shows this past week. Gorgeous wave action is awesome stuff!

    See you when you get here!
