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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hiking and History

When I was getting ready to Korea, I did as much online research as I could on their culture and lifestyle.  Something I had run across was that on weekends the Koreans flood the mountains to go hiking.  I thought that sounded like fun and wanted very much to go when I got here.  Today I had my chance.

Koreans are very healthy compared to me.  The inclines are steep and treacherous.  Going up was extremely hard for me.  Within two minutes, I was breathing hard and dizzy.  The person who had taken me hiking was extremely patient and understanding.  We cut that trip short, going to only the two Buddhist temples before turning around and going back down.  We drove to the other end of the trail and took a cable car up.  The view was amazing and glorious up there.  The trip wasn't the easiest when we started hiking up there.  A lot of Koreans passed us.  However it was worthwhile and I learned more of life in Korea as well as their history.

While on this trip, I learned a great deal about the Japanese invasion and occupation of Korea, the dividing of Korea later on, and such.


  1. Sounds like Koreans could teach Americans something about getting out and enjoying nature :) I'm glad you had fun and eventually you will be able to keep up with them!

  2. You might want to consider weekend mountain hiking to get in better shape than to do PT with your brother. Your body would probably thank you for being a tad bit kinder to it while getting toned up. :)
