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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter Camp - First Day

First day was interesting.  Went to the office and turned the heaters on in both the classroom and office.  2.5 hours later it finally got warm enough to where I could take off my coat.  Got all the paperwork and materials needed set up in neat piles at the front of the classroom.  Was told that I had 16 to 17 students so made 20 copies of everything.  Felt prepared and excited.

Then I enjoyed teaching my two classes that afternoon.  It went really well.  Most of the students already had English names.  That helped a great deal.  The only problem was that I had 22 students in each class.  *sigh*  However we made it.  I thoroughly enjoyed teaching them.  They are a joy.

1 comment:

  1. The first day of a school term is usually full of surprises. Sounds like it turned out well!
