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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Many Koreans are said to not have the glands that would require them to wear deodorant.  Others say that the glands are smaller or cause a lot less odor.  Whatever the case, most Koreans just don't wear deodorant.

I have noticed a funny smell in the hallways after a crowd of students have been there.  This same smell is in taxi cabs at the end of the day.  Last weekend while hiking, I noticed that almost ever Korean we passed had this same heavy aroma coming off of them.  It is a universal smell... and not one I find attractive.

Koreans really should wear deodorant and work to maintain their hygiene a bit more.  I am normally unable to smell subtle aromas due to a serious sinus infection I experienced junior year of high school.  So for me to detect it means that it is not subtle.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!

    Puts a whole new meaning of thinking of a gym locker room, or when kids come in the house after playing hard outside and pull their shoes and socks off. :)
