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Monday, January 9, 2012

Foreigner Stereotype

Americans have this inability to not stereotype others.  We mean well and think we have risen above such judgmental behavior, only to realize we have gone and done it again.

Like so many Americans, I have stereotyped a group of people.  Foreigners in the Republic of Korea.  The same group I belong to.  Every time I see another white person, I automatically assume that they won't talk to me.  An assumption that generally is proven correct.  Every time I meet another white person, I assume that they don't like me and are not nice.  An assumption that is false and proven wrong several times over.

Okay, so many can be that way.  Or they can come across that way.  I don't know what they are thinking.  I'm not telepathic.  It was judgmental of me to assume that another individual didn't like me simply based on the color of our skin.

I have talked to and met some really nice people.  I am not exactly friends with them.  They were not disrespectful to me though.  Sure, I may not have the network of friends to hang out with that I am used to back in the states.  However, that does not mean that those around me won't ever be friends.  If we end up being nothing more than acquaintances, that is okay.

There are many nice people here, Korean and non Korean.


  1. I think past experiences has a lot to do with why people stereotype each other. It can be very nice to be pleasantly surprised otherwise.

  2. I think we lose many opportunities for good experiences because we stereotype. I find it judgmental and hurtful.

    Remember the doctor who chopped off a lot of a woman's stomach in Burlington because he thought her too fat... and the infections she got from that? Then he wanted to do that to you and you were horrified? He stereotyped you as a lazy, gluttoneous person because he perceived you as overweight due to your being so swollen. It scared you and you had no good thoughts or words for him.

    If you stereotype someone and they know... they will instantly feel negative towards you and have no good thoughts for you either. Thus both of you lose positive experiences.

    Stereotyping is not good. Ever.

    Past experiences can be hard, but you have to learn and grow up.

    Growing means being able to tell what one person did... not their gender, race, culture, or religion.
