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Saturday, May 5, 2012


Out of all the household chores, dishes are the hardest for me to do.  I can think of various reasons why this may be, but the result is the same.  I have a hard time mentally getting myself to accept the inevitable task.  Recently this led to a sink load of dishes that built up and was never done.  If a few are hard to do, a sink load is a nightmare.  I struggled over this for some time when I came upon a solution.

I would find a high school student whose parents were from the less-than-wealthy socio-economic status and trade money for clean dishes.  This way I would have clean dishes and she would have spending money.  (There is a story behind that.  It only costs $4 to go to the doc when you are sick.  I had a student who couldn't go because she didn't have even that much much money.  Not all our kids are rich.)  I approached a high school dean and asked her to find me a truthworthy student who could use some extra money.

That is when I met Yun He.  She is the sweetest girl ever and speaks very good English.  I am guessing she is in one of the higher level High School conversation classes.  The dean told me that she had picked someone who was responsible and would make a good friend for me.  She came over and did my dishes for me.  She was so sweet and nice.  When I paid her, she said she didn't feel right taking it because she wanted to by my friend.  I told her I didn't feel right having her not take it because the dishes were piled up for several weeks.

Today at church, the dean sent her to sit with me and translate.  She had expressed a desire to hang out and I had asked the dean what we could possibly do.  The students just don't have free time.  Yun He suggested that we eat dinner together.  That I could call her when I decide to go over to the cafe.  I don't eat over there on weekends, but perhaps during the week.  I suggested we go see a movie.  She said she would have to ask for permission as those who stay on campus on the weekend study Saturday night and all day Sunday.  I texted her the possible times we could go and I have yet to hear from her.

However, my main goal was to help a student out while getting a little help myself.  She refuses to accept anymore money.  She wants to be my friend instead.  In college, I had friends and it was common for one to pay another to help out with stuff such as dishes.  Korean culture is different though.  By paying her, I place myself above her.  I'm already so much higher than her in the social ladder because of my age.  How I do my hair makes me look like a teen to them so that helps I suppose.


Just got a call from her.  She can't come hang out tomorrow because it would be a bad influence on the other students.  Sad.  Also, I had the wrong number which is why she didn't get my text messages.  Sigh.

Been switching things pretty badly lately.  Turned on the wrong burner.  Instead of heating the small skillet, I heated the big one that was empty.  I moved the smaller one over when I realized my mistake and was wondering what to do with the really hot one.  Saw the ironing board and grinned.

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