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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Post Test Days

My students just had midterms for three days.  Today is the first day after testing.  With the extra time off, I had created some more well-planned lessons.  I happily launched into them each class only to be met by resistance.  Grumbling about being tired and needing rest, my students all adamantly insisted on a free class period.  I declined.  They got to watch movies for over a week before testing, we needed to buckle down and get to work.  Also, time is flying fast.  There is a lot that isn't getting done.

I started projects and taught powerpoint lectures.  The only class that isn't International has been the hardest.  They ended up getting a homework star.  I told them they had a 100 word essay on a famous artist we didn't cover today (they needed to have paid attention to know which ones we talked about) and that it was due next class period (which for that class is next Wednesday.  Today is Thursday.  They have a week.)  They protested and said that they shouldn't have to do so much work because they just had midterms.  Amid their protests I pointed out they brought it on themselves by being disrespectful.

1 comment:

  1. Mom - Connie VealMay 3, 2012 at 6:51 PM

    Sounds like you are staying on top of things, Teacher Mindy! You are continually growing as an educator and all these experiences help to prepare you more for whatever lies ahead. Being a teacher is a great learning experience for adults. The work put into preparing for classes and the exchanges between students and teacher have a positive impact on dealing with issues the rest of your life.
