Me teaching at an Adventist boarding school in South Korea. English teachers are in high demand in South Korea. I believe God set this up for me so that I could learn and grow beyond what was possible in the States. I will work hard to become a better person and a great teacher.
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Happy Friday
It is a good day to be alive. I have lots of plans for this weekend. Sitting here with my Christmas lights and hot apple cider (Thank you Sarah!), I realized this is my last moment of being really alone for the next few days.
This afternoon I will rush to the bank to wire money home. Hopefully after paying student loans I will have enough to buy tickets between states. If not... well... then I will really be pushing it last minute on the 31st of December. After the bank, I have an appointment with a massage therapist. She lowered her prices (because this is Korea, you kinda have to) so for $55 I will go get my back worked on. It is bothersome again. After that, I will go pick up a carry-on suitcase. It is the largest sized carry-on that airports allow and it fits in any overhead compartments that planes may have. A truly rare thing to get in South Korea. So if you travel here, travel with what you need already. Not everything can be found here yet that Americans are used to having. After that is the English Club at a cafe, and so won't get home until after 10pm. A late night for me since I am used to going to bed around 10pm.
Saturday I will be teaching my three classes, of course, and then after church heading to town yet again. This time to meet up for a Book Club. That reminds me, I have to catch up to where the others are reading >_< I missed the last two meetings. Will hopefully get back to my place by 8 or so in the evening.
Sunday is girls' day. A group of us are going to finally see Breaking Dawn part 2. I'm taking a student with me and this morning two other teachers decided to tag along. Afterwards, will go to a Mexican place for lunch (Thank you Michael P. for showing me it's existence!). Slowly make our way home via subway, bus, and finally taxi. Then I can rest and relax ;)
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Asia-Pacific Division
The Accreditation Association of Seventh-day Adventists, or the AAA as they like to call themselves, is here for a few days to see if this school should be allowed to continue. They are visiting many schools for the same purpose. They are really nice and kind, willing to help make this place a better place. However knowing how to act and what they are thinking is hard on me. So much pressure.
Today was an open class. We had both parents as well as the members of the AAA here. One of my classes was one that they were scheduled to come to. Most teachers who had open class did presentations. I did a spelling bee with their vocabulary words. So glad that I survived.
Today was an open class. We had both parents as well as the members of the AAA here. One of my classes was one that they were scheduled to come to. Most teachers who had open class did presentations. I did a spelling bee with their vocabulary words. So glad that I survived.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Bullying Follow-Up
I rewrote her story. Will copy and paste it below:
((This story was inspired by one of my students. She wanted to share what bullying can lead to and the thoughts that a bullied person has.))
Walking down the hall, she felt so miserable. Today was just like any other day, but it wasn't a good day. Just like everyday. It was a complete mystery to her why no one liked her. Looking out the window but not seeing the soccer field below, Elrain was lost in her thoughts. She didn't annoy anyone nor seek ways to anger others. In fact she did just the opposite. Elrain was always trying to be considerate. Countless times she went out of her way to not embarrass or hurt those around her. If only she wasn't so shy.
Hearing laughter below, her eyes adjusted. There was a group of friends outside playing around. She wished she could make friends. If only she spoke better, then maybe she could be more liked by others. Sighing, she turned away from the window and kept walking. Speaking well wasn't her only problem. Those in her class were competitive and all strove for As. She had a B, and it wasn't good enough. Just another aspect about her to pick on. Add that to the list of things she didn't do well: art, music, sports.
Truly she was a normal student. It just seemed like if there was something to pick on, others found it. That was the final question of life. Why did others hate her so much. Rounding the final corner, she headed down the long hall towards her homeroom. It was like the entire class was cheerleaders, urging her to mess up. She hated it. If only she knew she could talk to her teacher. Elrain had thought about that. Still, if she did, what would follow would be embarrassing trips to the principle's office. That would give them more ammo to tease her with. She couldn't do it.
As she walked, a "Hey!" interrupted her thoughts. Elrain started to turn around when a flying blur smashed into her. Falling, pain lanced through her knees. Laying in a crumbled heap on the ground, she looked at the boy who had bodyslammed her. Another classmate. Grimacing, she tried to get up and saw her stockings. They were torn and her knees were bleeding. Tears welled up but she bit them back. The boy turned to her and accused, "You purposely got in my way. Apologize to me for that." Elrain bowed her head to hide the inner pain his words caused, "Sorry." The whisper wasn't much, but it was all she could manage.
The group that had been outside came around the corner. They were still laughing. He got up and dusted himself off. As he joined them, the girls skittered away laughing about poor person germs. Another boy pointed out, "You touched her. Now you are contagious with a bad disease." The boy laughed with them and turned back to Elrain. Shoving her back down from her half risen position, he left with them. She sighed. The penalty for falling in the first place.
Elrain slowly walked into her house. There was stew cooking in the kitchen, it's delicious smell filling the whole house. Her mother called out to her, "Welcome home Elrain." She didn't respond. Her mother poked her head out of the kitchen and saw Elrain's ruined stockings. Frowning, she asked worriedly, "What happened to you?" She looked at her mother, a moment of wavering. Then she realized how worried her mother would always be for her. She couldn't tell her. "I fell down," she said simply. Better that than the truth. "Oh, well try to be more careful," responded her mother as she went back to work in the kitchen.
Heading into the bathroom, Elrain pulled off her ruined stockings and threw them away. Then she got down the first aid kit and cleaned up her knees as best as she could. It wasn't a great job but they would scab over and heal. Turning, she went to her room. Her bedroom had always been a place of peace for her. She could hide here from the rest of the world. As she was growing up, she didn't go to the library to study or the mall for pleasure. Instead she always came here knowing that those kids at school could not reach her here.
Her cell beeped. Crushing stress filled her at the sound. They couldn't physically still come, but someone had gotten and shared her phone number. Pulling out her cellphone, she looked down and saw she had a message. Just one message thankfully. It was still the same though. Like it always was. Opening it up, she clearly could read "You are so ugly. Why a stupid person like you exists, I'll never understand. Why don't you die already?" She snapped it shut, the tears still held back with a fierce stubborn determination.
Walking into homeroom, Elrain looked down at her desk. There were fresh scribbles there. She knew they were fresh because she always erased them. These ones were no different from the old ones. The same thing that she was texted. Bad words and phrases like "You are the most stupid girl in the school" and "you have to die." Groaning mentally, she pulled out her eraser to erase them yet again. She didn't want to look at them any more than she could help. Yet even after they were erased, the words burned red in her memory.
Heading to lunch, the boy who had pushed her the day before her yells at her, "Hey!" Elrain turned towards him hesitantly. He accused, "Don't look at me. You will get me dirty with your gaze." She tried to be brave while she said, "Please don't tease me." He shot back arrogantly, "Why not?" Gulping, she struggled to say more but it was beyond her. No one would listen to her.
It was after lunch when Elrain discovered her wallet was missing. Standing before her homeroom teacher, she had explained to him it had disappeared. His worry was evident and he responded, "I'll find it for you Elrain. Don't worry, it has to be around here somewhere." She nodded and turned to leave. It wasn't that she doubted his sincerity. It was that she knew it had been in her bag. It wasn't misplaced, but stolen.
Needing a break from everyone, she went to the only place she could hide. The bathroom stall. Slipping in and closing her eyes, she took deep breathes. Her peace was shattered by the sound of laughing girls. Several came into the bathroom talking loudly. One she recognized gloated, "I have her wallet. He stole it and gave it to me." Another responded, "Wow, but what if someone finds out? Won't you be the one in a lot of trouble?" The first threatened, " No, not as long as none of you say anything. If you do, you will be an outsider just like her!" They quickly promised their silence and left.
She waited until they were gone before slipping out. She could say something. However it would only cause a lot of problems and most likely would lead to more teasing. She didn't want to make them upset any more than she could help it. Also, it seemed like too much trouble. Besides, there was only some money, a membership card to a food place, and coupons in the wallet. Nothing truly important. She could lie, again, and tell her mother she simply lost it. Everything would be okay.
Finally school was over. Elrain walked outside. She wasn't heading home. Not today. This time she was on the roof of the school. It was four floors high, and the view was a little dizzying to her. "See that!" One of her classmates was below and pointing at her. Another pulled out her phone. Elrain wondered briefly if she was calling the police or getting more friends to come watch. It didn't matter. They would be happy she was going to do this. How many times had they said they wanted her to die. So there was no reason for them to worry or be surprised. Why would they? They most likely were telling people she was outside about to commit suicide, to come and watch.
A teacher rushes outside and sees Elrain. Her eyes grow wide and she ushers the students back inside. Hearing running feet on the stairwell and the door opening to the roof, she glances back. Her homeroom teacher is there with concern on his face. Behind him are several girls, including the one who had her wallet. She felt breathless and uncertain before them. His concern she understood, but the girls had wanted this. They had tormented her. Why were they here? The girls began pleading with her. "What are you doing? Please come here!" "Please, don't. Stop." Words and more words. Elrain didn't understand. Just that they didn't want her to go near the railing.
One of the girls said, "Listen to our words. Come here." Listen to their words? Elrain felt disgust and anguish when she heard that. Why should she? They had never listened to her when she asked them to not tease her. They were the ones who had given her messages full of bad words. They were the ones who left horrible words and phrases on her desk. They were the ones who wrote abuse on the blackboard. They were the ones who put trash on her seat. They were the ones who laughed at her and teased her. They were the ones who pushed her around. They were the ones who stole her wallet. They were the ones who threw trash at her, laughed at her, made fun of her, shoved her around, and stole her wallet.
She always had to say she was sorry. She was always apologizing. Why should she when she never did anything wrong?
They kept saying, "Please! Don't do that!"
She just wanted them to be quiet. They were so noisy. But of course, they wouldn't hear her voice.
So it was her turn.
"I hate you." Elrain said the words clearly and strongly, then turned and grabbed the railing and slipped over it. Standing on the ledge, her voice and life were finally hers to control.
In regards to the story I had just written. The student who inspired it is safe and didn't try to kill herself. However, she is very serious when she says that bullying can kill. I agree with her. Humans kill humans. Words might not break bones like sticks and stones, but they can emotionally and mentally destroy a human life.
((This story was inspired by one of my students. She wanted to share what bullying can lead to and the thoughts that a bullied person has.))
You Hate me, I Hate you.
Walking down the hall, she felt so miserable. Today was just like any other day, but it wasn't a good day. Just like everyday. It was a complete mystery to her why no one liked her. Looking out the window but not seeing the soccer field below, Elrain was lost in her thoughts. She didn't annoy anyone nor seek ways to anger others. In fact she did just the opposite. Elrain was always trying to be considerate. Countless times she went out of her way to not embarrass or hurt those around her. If only she wasn't so shy.
Hearing laughter below, her eyes adjusted. There was a group of friends outside playing around. She wished she could make friends. If only she spoke better, then maybe she could be more liked by others. Sighing, she turned away from the window and kept walking. Speaking well wasn't her only problem. Those in her class were competitive and all strove for As. She had a B, and it wasn't good enough. Just another aspect about her to pick on. Add that to the list of things she didn't do well: art, music, sports.
Truly she was a normal student. It just seemed like if there was something to pick on, others found it. That was the final question of life. Why did others hate her so much. Rounding the final corner, she headed down the long hall towards her homeroom. It was like the entire class was cheerleaders, urging her to mess up. She hated it. If only she knew she could talk to her teacher. Elrain had thought about that. Still, if she did, what would follow would be embarrassing trips to the principle's office. That would give them more ammo to tease her with. She couldn't do it.
As she walked, a "Hey!" interrupted her thoughts. Elrain started to turn around when a flying blur smashed into her. Falling, pain lanced through her knees. Laying in a crumbled heap on the ground, she looked at the boy who had bodyslammed her. Another classmate. Grimacing, she tried to get up and saw her stockings. They were torn and her knees were bleeding. Tears welled up but she bit them back. The boy turned to her and accused, "You purposely got in my way. Apologize to me for that." Elrain bowed her head to hide the inner pain his words caused, "Sorry." The whisper wasn't much, but it was all she could manage.
The group that had been outside came around the corner. They were still laughing. He got up and dusted himself off. As he joined them, the girls skittered away laughing about poor person germs. Another boy pointed out, "You touched her. Now you are contagious with a bad disease." The boy laughed with them and turned back to Elrain. Shoving her back down from her half risen position, he left with them. She sighed. The penalty for falling in the first place.
Elrain slowly walked into her house. There was stew cooking in the kitchen, it's delicious smell filling the whole house. Her mother called out to her, "Welcome home Elrain." She didn't respond. Her mother poked her head out of the kitchen and saw Elrain's ruined stockings. Frowning, she asked worriedly, "What happened to you?" She looked at her mother, a moment of wavering. Then she realized how worried her mother would always be for her. She couldn't tell her. "I fell down," she said simply. Better that than the truth. "Oh, well try to be more careful," responded her mother as she went back to work in the kitchen.
Heading into the bathroom, Elrain pulled off her ruined stockings and threw them away. Then she got down the first aid kit and cleaned up her knees as best as she could. It wasn't a great job but they would scab over and heal. Turning, she went to her room. Her bedroom had always been a place of peace for her. She could hide here from the rest of the world. As she was growing up, she didn't go to the library to study or the mall for pleasure. Instead she always came here knowing that those kids at school could not reach her here.
Her cell beeped. Crushing stress filled her at the sound. They couldn't physically still come, but someone had gotten and shared her phone number. Pulling out her cellphone, she looked down and saw she had a message. Just one message thankfully. It was still the same though. Like it always was. Opening it up, she clearly could read "You are so ugly. Why a stupid person like you exists, I'll never understand. Why don't you die already?" She snapped it shut, the tears still held back with a fierce stubborn determination.
Walking into homeroom, Elrain looked down at her desk. There were fresh scribbles there. She knew they were fresh because she always erased them. These ones were no different from the old ones. The same thing that she was texted. Bad words and phrases like "You are the most stupid girl in the school" and "you have to die." Groaning mentally, she pulled out her eraser to erase them yet again. She didn't want to look at them any more than she could help. Yet even after they were erased, the words burned red in her memory.
Heading to lunch, the boy who had pushed her the day before her yells at her, "Hey!" Elrain turned towards him hesitantly. He accused, "Don't look at me. You will get me dirty with your gaze." She tried to be brave while she said, "Please don't tease me." He shot back arrogantly, "Why not?" Gulping, she struggled to say more but it was beyond her. No one would listen to her.
It was after lunch when Elrain discovered her wallet was missing. Standing before her homeroom teacher, she had explained to him it had disappeared. His worry was evident and he responded, "I'll find it for you Elrain. Don't worry, it has to be around here somewhere." She nodded and turned to leave. It wasn't that she doubted his sincerity. It was that she knew it had been in her bag. It wasn't misplaced, but stolen.
Needing a break from everyone, she went to the only place she could hide. The bathroom stall. Slipping in and closing her eyes, she took deep breathes. Her peace was shattered by the sound of laughing girls. Several came into the bathroom talking loudly. One she recognized gloated, "I have her wallet. He stole it and gave it to me." Another responded, "Wow, but what if someone finds out? Won't you be the one in a lot of trouble?" The first threatened, " No, not as long as none of you say anything. If you do, you will be an outsider just like her!" They quickly promised their silence and left.
She waited until they were gone before slipping out. She could say something. However it would only cause a lot of problems and most likely would lead to more teasing. She didn't want to make them upset any more than she could help it. Also, it seemed like too much trouble. Besides, there was only some money, a membership card to a food place, and coupons in the wallet. Nothing truly important. She could lie, again, and tell her mother she simply lost it. Everything would be okay.
A teacher rushes outside and sees Elrain. Her eyes grow wide and she ushers the students back inside. Hearing running feet on the stairwell and the door opening to the roof, she glances back. Her homeroom teacher is there with concern on his face. Behind him are several girls, including the one who had her wallet. She felt breathless and uncertain before them. His concern she understood, but the girls had wanted this. They had tormented her. Why were they here? The girls began pleading with her. "What are you doing? Please come here!" "Please, don't. Stop." Words and more words. Elrain didn't understand. Just that they didn't want her to go near the railing.
One of the girls said, "Listen to our words. Come here." Listen to their words? Elrain felt disgust and anguish when she heard that. Why should she? They had never listened to her when she asked them to not tease her. They were the ones who had given her messages full of bad words. They were the ones who left horrible words and phrases on her desk. They were the ones who wrote abuse on the blackboard. They were the ones who put trash on her seat. They were the ones who laughed at her and teased her. They were the ones who pushed her around. They were the ones who stole her wallet. They were the ones who threw trash at her, laughed at her, made fun of her, shoved her around, and stole her wallet.
She always had to say she was sorry. She was always apologizing. Why should she when she never did anything wrong?
They kept saying, "Please! Don't do that!"
She just wanted them to be quiet. They were so noisy. But of course, they wouldn't hear her voice.
So it was her turn.
"I hate you." Elrain said the words clearly and strongly, then turned and grabbed the railing and slipped over it. Standing on the ledge, her voice and life were finally hers to control.
In regards to the story I had just written. The student who inspired it is safe and didn't try to kill herself. However, she is very serious when she says that bullying can kill. I agree with her. Humans kill humans. Words might not break bones like sticks and stones, but they can emotionally and mentally destroy a human life.
You Hate Me, I Hate You
A student in one of the International Classes wrote a story. Her grammar is not the best. When a teacher showed me her work, I was impressed and decided to share it with you unedited. You can't just read it, because of the grammar, you must really read it.
"You Hate Me, I Hate You" by Elrain
They hate me. Why? I don't know. I didn't make them feel annoying
or angry. Exactly. I didn't speak well. I am really shy.
They can hate me because I'm ugly. But other people who are ugly
have their friends. Also I don't have any special ability.
I didn't get very good grade. Sports, art, music... most of the things too.
I am just a normal student.
But why they do to me?
They hate me.
They want to me to be something wrong.
Fall down, lost things, and die.
Of course I thought saw to teachers.
but I'm so afraid things that might happen
after that. I have to go to police office,
teacher will call me to their office,
and they will tease me more.
I turn back and a boy runs to me. He is same class with me. Ah?
He comes to my way.
He pushes me and I fall down. My stockings get torn and my knee
get bleeding.
"Stupid. You have to avoid."
Other students are laughing and pass by me. He dusts off his clothes
and runs to them. Girls are laughing like he is poor, and boys avoid
him and say 'you're so dirty.'. It must be a joke. He shouts 'One
more time!'. He pushed me because it was penalty of losing game.
Yes, it might be.
I come back to my home. Mother sees my stockings and asks.
"What happened to you?"
"I fell down."
"You have to be more careful."
"Okay, I know."
"I don't want my mother feel worry about me. So I lied."
I throw away my stockings. I go into my room and look the door. It
is a room for me. They couldn't come into here. But these days, they
send a SNS or text messaging. Today is lucky day. Only one person
send a message. It said I'm really ugly and stupid, and I hat to be
A year before, they didn't tease me after school. Because they
couldn't meet me. I dont' go to a academy so they can't meet me.
Also I barely went out. I just stay in my room. But now, they know
my phone number so they send me a message.
I come to school. There are lots of scribbles on my desk. 'Most
stupid girl in school.' 'You have to die' and lots of bad word to me.
A boy who pushed me calls me. I turn to him. He pushes me one
more. I see him and he shouts to me.
"Don't see me with your dirty eyes Go away!"
"Please don't tease me."
"Ha. Why?"
He doesn't listen my word. I'm so tired.
And I lose my wallet. Where is it?
I can't find. I said it to my teacher.
and he said he would find.
But I don't think he can find it.
I believe him, but my wallet was in my bag.
So Someone should steal my wallet.
I go to a toilet and I hear some girls voice.
"See this. It's her wallet. He stole it and gave it to me."
"Really? But if you are discovered, you might get penalty."
"It's okay. You guys, you have to keep it a secret. Then it's okay.
"...Okay, But...."
"If you tell to others, you will be outsider like her!"
"Okay, I won't."
I find the criminal, but I can't tell it to the teacher. Yes, it's the same
reason why I didn't tell girls and boys tease and outside me. I don't
want to make a big event. And in my wallet, there are not important
things. There are some money, membership card and coupons. I can
lie my mother to I lose my wallet.
So it's okay.
And school is over. I'm not in the way to go to home. I'm on the
rooftop of the school.
"See that!"
A girl looks at me and shout to others. They seem to surprised.
They wanted me to die, so they should be happy. But why they seem
to worry and surprised. Someone open the phone and call. It could be
police. Or it could be their friends. They will say to them 'The
outsider decide to be suicide! Come on and watch!"
"You Hate Me, I Hate You" by Elrain
They hate me. Why? I don't know. I didn't make them feel annoying
or angry. Exactly. I didn't speak well. I am really shy.
They can hate me because I'm ugly. But other people who are ugly
have their friends. Also I don't have any special ability.
I didn't get very good grade. Sports, art, music... most of the things too.
I am just a normal student.
But why they do to me?
They hate me.
They want to me to be something wrong.
Fall down, lost things, and die.
Of course I thought saw to teachers.
but I'm so afraid things that might happen
after that. I have to go to police office,
teacher will call me to their office,
and they will tease me more.
I turn back and a boy runs to me. He is same class with me. Ah?
He comes to my way.
He pushes me and I fall down. My stockings get torn and my knee
get bleeding.
"Stupid. You have to avoid."
Other students are laughing and pass by me. He dusts off his clothes
and runs to them. Girls are laughing like he is poor, and boys avoid
him and say 'you're so dirty.'. It must be a joke. He shouts 'One
more time!'. He pushed me because it was penalty of losing game.
Yes, it might be.
I come back to my home. Mother sees my stockings and asks.
"What happened to you?"
"I fell down."
"You have to be more careful."
"Okay, I know."
"I don't want my mother feel worry about me. So I lied."
I throw away my stockings. I go into my room and look the door. It
is a room for me. They couldn't come into here. But these days, they
send a SNS or text messaging. Today is lucky day. Only one person
send a message. It said I'm really ugly and stupid, and I hat to be
A year before, they didn't tease me after school. Because they
couldn't meet me. I dont' go to a academy so they can't meet me.
Also I barely went out. I just stay in my room. But now, they know
my phone number so they send me a message.
I come to school. There are lots of scribbles on my desk. 'Most
stupid girl in school.' 'You have to die' and lots of bad word to me.
A boy who pushed me calls me. I turn to him. He pushes me one
more. I see him and he shouts to me.
"Don't see me with your dirty eyes Go away!"
"Please don't tease me."
"Ha. Why?"
He doesn't listen my word. I'm so tired.
And I lose my wallet. Where is it?
I can't find. I said it to my teacher.
and he said he would find.
But I don't think he can find it.
I believe him, but my wallet was in my bag.
So Someone should steal my wallet.
I go to a toilet and I hear some girls voice.
"See this. It's her wallet. He stole it and gave it to me."
"Really? But if you are discovered, you might get penalty."
"It's okay. You guys, you have to keep it a secret. Then it's okay.
"...Okay, But...."
"If you tell to others, you will be outsider like her!"
"Okay, I won't."
I find the criminal, but I can't tell it to the teacher. Yes, it's the same
reason why I didn't tell girls and boys tease and outside me. I don't
want to make a big event. And in my wallet, there are not important
things. There are some money, membership card and coupons. I can
lie my mother to I lose my wallet.
So it's okay.
And school is over. I'm not in the way to go to home. I'm on the
rooftop of the school.
"See that!"
A girl looks at me and shout to others. They seem to surprised.
They wanted me to die, so they should be happy. But why they seem
to worry and surprised. Someone open the phone and call. It could be
police. Or it could be their friends. They will say to them 'The
outsider decide to be suicide! Come on and watch!"
Teacher see me with big eyes. And they order students to go into
the school. And there are some sounds. Some people are running to
here. A teacher open the door. Behind him, there are girls.
They are same class with me. And one of them is stole my wallet.
"What are you doing? Come to here!"
"Hey, stop it!"
They shout to me. I can't understand, but most of words are stop
going toward a guardrail.
"Stop it right now!"
Why I have to stop? Why they are so hard to stop me? They want
me to die. I can't understand them.
"Listen our words! Come here!"
Listen you words? why? You ever heard my word?
When I asked you to stop it, you didn't stop. You send me a message
with bad words. You write bad word about me on the desk and black
board. You throw trashes to my seat. You laugh at me and tease me.
You always push me. You stole my wallet. You throw trashes to my
seat. You laugh at me and tease me. You always push me. You stole
my wallet.
I always have to say 'I'm so sorry' to you but what I do to you. I do
something that I have to apology to you?
"Please! Don't do that!"
Stop shouting. It's so noisy. But of course, you won't hear my voice.
So It's my turn.
![]() |
I don't listen your words. I hate you. |
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Blush Alert - Koreans and Women's Issues
While I have been in South Korean, I have had the fun experience of learning how they view that topic - menstrual cycles. It is an aspect of their culture that is rather surprising and would make many white women jealous. Now that you know what this subject is, this is your last chance to move on.
Still reading? Alright, you made that choice.
We hold conversation classes in both the boys dorm and girls dorm. I much prefer the girls dorm since the danger of walking in on exposed bodies is much less reduced. One topic recommended to me by a professor at Daegu University was what it was like for females during their monthly cycles. I was shocked that he would suggest it but it made sense. He explained that many Korean females experience no pain in their entire lives during their periods.
Thankfully, I didn't have to bring it up. My freshmen did for me. The first thing we had to clear up for one of the girls was that yes, people in other countries have periods. She was surprised that females around the world did. The rest of us were surprised that she had assumed they didn't.
Then came the big question. Does it hurt? Turns out that for almost all the girls at this school, it is simply uncomfortable. There are one or two that might experience cramps, but usually they only deal with backaches and other uncomfortable symptoms. I then shared the common idea that in America, everyone usually has that one female friend who is sick one or two days a month and unable to come to school... as well as some other details that are unneeded here.
The reason for periods, uncomfortableness, pain, and such differs by country too. We are taught one thing in America, but my girls were taught that something in the environment affects them. Something they could only translate as a male hormone... but with the environment and not with the male humans. Whatever this influence is, it can make the periods worse if there is a lot of it. It was hard to follow.
Anyrate, if you haven't gotten a nosebleed from embarrassment yet, you can sigh in relief. Topic over. If you have passed out, I hope that you didn't hit your head on the way down.
Still reading? Alright, you made that choice.
We hold conversation classes in both the boys dorm and girls dorm. I much prefer the girls dorm since the danger of walking in on exposed bodies is much less reduced. One topic recommended to me by a professor at Daegu University was what it was like for females during their monthly cycles. I was shocked that he would suggest it but it made sense. He explained that many Korean females experience no pain in their entire lives during their periods.
Thankfully, I didn't have to bring it up. My freshmen did for me. The first thing we had to clear up for one of the girls was that yes, people in other countries have periods. She was surprised that females around the world did. The rest of us were surprised that she had assumed they didn't.
Then came the big question. Does it hurt? Turns out that for almost all the girls at this school, it is simply uncomfortable. There are one or two that might experience cramps, but usually they only deal with backaches and other uncomfortable symptoms. I then shared the common idea that in America, everyone usually has that one female friend who is sick one or two days a month and unable to come to school... as well as some other details that are unneeded here.
The reason for periods, uncomfortableness, pain, and such differs by country too. We are taught one thing in America, but my girls were taught that something in the environment affects them. Something they could only translate as a male hormone... but with the environment and not with the male humans. Whatever this influence is, it can make the periods worse if there is a lot of it. It was hard to follow.
Anyrate, if you haven't gotten a nosebleed from embarrassment yet, you can sigh in relief. Topic over. If you have passed out, I hope that you didn't hit your head on the way down.
Bus Strike
So the strikes are officially over. Thursday came and out of concern for those needing to get to work and school, the buses ran anyways. Seoul and Busan officially decided to not have them. The other cities planned to hold them on Friday, the day of the vote, instead. However, that did not occur either. Sometime during Friday, a meeting was held between the bus union and the government. A compromise was reached to help both sides. This is a good example of a union working for the common good. Something some unions back home have forgotten.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
So evidently all the bus drivers are going on strike in exactly 2 hours and 2 minutes. Had to go look it up when my students told me at the dorm class tonight.
The government is evidently trying to call taxis public transportation which means they will get tax benefits, privileges (like driving in bus lanes), and funding. The limited funds that bus drivers get right now would be split with the taxi drivers. The bus drivers are worried about increased accidents (taxis are known for their crazy maneuvers), raised prices of public transportation, and cut benefits for themselves. With over 45,000 buses no longer in service, tomorrow is going to be horrid.
This weekend is a closed weekend. So we will have a lot of students having increased difficulty in going home. Not good. They need that time with their family, even if they are studying and going to study rooms or academies while home.
My own plans are now looking like they are canceled. I had planned to go to an English club at a cafe Friday night. A book club Saturday afternoon. If the payment that the teacher, who doesn't like foreigners, withheld was in the bank by the weekend, then I was going to go celebrate Thanksgiving on Sunday.
Here is the article that sums this all up clearly.
The government is evidently trying to call taxis public transportation which means they will get tax benefits, privileges (like driving in bus lanes), and funding. The limited funds that bus drivers get right now would be split with the taxi drivers. The bus drivers are worried about increased accidents (taxis are known for their crazy maneuvers), raised prices of public transportation, and cut benefits for themselves. With over 45,000 buses no longer in service, tomorrow is going to be horrid.
This weekend is a closed weekend. So we will have a lot of students having increased difficulty in going home. Not good. They need that time with their family, even if they are studying and going to study rooms or academies while home.
My own plans are now looking like they are canceled. I had planned to go to an English club at a cafe Friday night. A book club Saturday afternoon. If the payment that the teacher, who doesn't like foreigners, withheld was in the bank by the weekend, then I was going to go celebrate Thanksgiving on Sunday.
Here is the article that sums this all up clearly.
Wednesday... Surprise!
Today has been a most unusual day. I struggled out of bed this morning, tired from staying out late in Daegu the night before. A soldier and a professor and I met up in town for supper and to just hang out. When the professor dropped me off at campus after 11pm (I go to bed by 10pm if I can), a high school student was walking past. She started giggling nervously, trying to find the English words to ask if I had been on a date. I told her no, that a group of us had gotten dinner in Daegu. That made her hungry, which I immediately gave her some of the chocolate I had on me. She was so thankful.
So getting to school, I thought to myself about how Wednesdays are my worst day and here I am tired too. That didn't last long. I learned that all my afternoon classes were canceled. So my only responsibility after lunch was the 9pm dorm class and worship. I can handle that. Then I got a parcel from Seoul. A friend up there sent a game called Global Pursuit by National Geographic. Then I got another parcel from Kansas. A friend had sent me the three things she remembered me missing: Spiced Apple Cider Mix, Reese's Big Cup, and the much wanted Butterscotch pudding mix. Then I got ANOTHER parcel from California. A friend there sent me Christian music, Christmas music, and some other things he felt would be cheery and would pick me up for the holiday season. He was right.
So now that I am feeling completely loved and happy, I remember a promise that God made sure was written down for us. He would never leave nor forsake us. Also He would bless us. He has taken care of me my entire life, and when I need Him most, He is right there showing His love. I saw Him today through those around me and through caring friends back in the states. I have an amazing God. I want to be a better person because it is the only way I can think of to honor Him who Loves me so much.
So getting to school, I thought to myself about how Wednesdays are my worst day and here I am tired too. That didn't last long. I learned that all my afternoon classes were canceled. So my only responsibility after lunch was the 9pm dorm class and worship. I can handle that. Then I got a parcel from Seoul. A friend up there sent a game called Global Pursuit by National Geographic. Then I got another parcel from Kansas. A friend had sent me the three things she remembered me missing: Spiced Apple Cider Mix, Reese's Big Cup, and the much wanted Butterscotch pudding mix. Then I got ANOTHER parcel from California. A friend there sent me Christian music, Christmas music, and some other things he felt would be cheery and would pick me up for the holiday season. He was right.
So now that I am feeling completely loved and happy, I remember a promise that God made sure was written down for us. He would never leave nor forsake us. Also He would bless us. He has taken care of me my entire life, and when I need Him most, He is right there showing His love. I saw Him today through those around me and through caring friends back in the states. I have an amazing God. I want to be a better person because it is the only way I can think of to honor Him who Loves me so much.
Monday, November 19, 2012
November 16 - Festival
Last Friday we had no classes. Instead we had a festival. The morning was full of skits, videos by Broadcasting Club, musical stuff, and ceremonial things. During lunch, all the staff had stations set up. We had four set up in the Globish Center to promote English. One of memorizing Bible Texts for candy. One was doing tongue twisters for candy. One was crossword puzzles for candy. And finally there was "Guess That Word." I went a bit overboard and before the men could help, I rearranged the classroom and got the signs and materials set up. Then I went and cleaned the room too. I think they were a little flabbergasted with me but I was restless and needed the exercise. Afterwards was the talent show. Something I look forward to all year long. The kids practice for several weeks in advance for this one day. For three hours, they showed their hard work and we were very much impressed with their skills and humor.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Nov 15th - Thursday
Students lining up by grade and homeroom for their entry onto the field. |
The parade. |
Lining up as they enter the field. |
A relay race... the blue outfits won. |
From left to right: Lucy, Mindy, Larissa |
Three-legged race. Frisbees are in the background. Basketball is to the right and out of sight of this picture. Jump roping is to the left and out of sight of this picture. |
Lanterns. |
They were beautiful. Sang with each having different parts. |
Master of Ceremonies and Hostess... the titles Charles and I gave them. |
She sang a traditional Korean song while he played the drum. |
This is a stringed instrument. |
Our band! Acoustic guitar, two singers, electric guitar, piano, and drum set. |
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