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Saturday, December 31, 2011


So I finally know the secret to eating spicy flavored foods.  The advice is from a Korean too.  Simply keep eating it.  Evidently spicy foods is an addiction and if you eat it enough, you won't be able to stop.  Is this really advice I want to take?


  1. Depends; how many Tums have you?

  2. Surprisingly, I have a small roll of them. Haven't used them yet, but haven't been too brace either. ^_^

  3. Mindy, you already consume plenty of addictive beverages. What are little girls made up - sugar and spice and all that is nice ~ Some spices are nice, others are not helpful to the body. It would be interesting to know what spices are in the foods and what properties and roles they play in the human body.

  4. Consume plenty of addictive beverages? Not really. I drink tea when I am sick. I indulge on coffee or pop once every two weeks. I attempt to drink water. But when it comes down to it... I just drink a lot of juice.

    And I don't really want to get addicted to their spice... it is too spicy.
