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Monday, October 8, 2012

Pre Mid-Terms

It is that lovely part of the semester I think I like the most.  Mid-terms.  I am not sure why I like mid-terms so much when my International classes are not allowed to have then and my conversation classes are basically canceled for a week.  Probably has to do with the suddenly intense studious atmosphere.

The students study pretty hard for two weeks before and then crash after.  I'm not sure how the students survive with no sleep at night for over a week.  Maybe those 5 minute naps in class when they just can't keep their eyes open help with that.

I respect their struggle to be the best and have the top scores.  After the Korean War, their country was stripped of all natural resources and the economy didn't exist.  Only those with the best education got jobs, and out of those if you spoke any English, you were even better off.  With so many unemployed among the newly graduated, it is understandable that their entire life is focused on getting them and then their kids the best job.

Just wish they would listen to us on the importance of a balanced life of sleep, water, good food and exercise is for achieving that very dream.  They deprive themselves of sleep four times a year.  They barely eat in the summer so they look slimmer in their swimsuits.  They barely drink any water, or anything else, in their daily lives.  At least they get their hiking in on weekends.  I'm worried for my students.  I truly am.  Testing time is also a dangerous time as the suicide rates go up insanely.  I'm just really worried for them.

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