
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My class schedule is good.  I like it at least.

I have one class I teach everyday, Monday through Thursday.

I have three classes I teach Monday and Wednesday.

I have two classes I teach Tuesday and Thursday.

Then everyday for one class period I go to another teachers' class and talk about whatever seems good for 20 minutes.  Engaging them so that they are talking is also a good idea.  On Monday and Wednesday, I only have to go to one classroom.  On Tuesday and Thursday, I have two classrooms I go to.  I don't go to any of the same classes all week, so can use the same thing.  However the kids who know the best English are on Monday and Tuesday.  The Wednesday and Thursday classes will have to be a bit more simple.  I will plan something that can go either way... with lots of pictures!

Tuesday I have to go to chapel.  Since it is in Korean, I don't understand.  Maybe they might use a translator someday?

I have four planning periods Monday through Wednesday.  I have five planning periods Thursday.

Friday is my day to plan, write lesson plans, and have worksheets, quizzes, and tests all ready to go.  :)

I don't have to take anything home!

There is a strong possibility I will have an after school class.  Just like all the other classes, it will be 45 minutes long.  I can do whatever I want... with the outcome of them learning more English through exposure.  I'm trying to think of something in history to teach them that wouldn't be over their heads :)  Napoleon and his propaganda tactics perhaps?  How about Cahokia mounds?  There is a neat video on that online :D  Waiting to see if it is assigned to me or not first.

Overall, this is a good place for me to learn to be a better teacher.  This is a good place to learn to work with students who are not of my culture, who may not know English well, who need to have things explained clearly, and have the learning material be very specific.  Though I love the content... it is English that they are here to learn.  I can get my wish of history.  They get their wish for English.  It is a win win situation.


  1. Mom - ConnieCockleshellSeptember 22, 2011 at 5:33 PM

    The schedule for a teacher there sounds very nice! Have you bought a camera yet to take pictures of Korea and its people, flowers, animals, etc.?

    There is a time under the sun for all things: joy, laughing, singing, dancing, quietude, reflection.

  2. Grandma bought me a camera. I post most of the pictures on facebook. There is a chance I will have to teach evening classes in the dorm or something, but I hope not. I have the most classes of the English teachers... would rather not have to work evenings too.
