
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I was given advice when I first got here.  To be patient.  Give life here two or three months.  Dont' judge or make decisions before then.

This is a good place, so giving a person time to culturally adjust as well as deal with homesickness is important before doing anything rash.

My students wrote me letters.  They told me that they are good kids, want to make good memories with me, and hope I have a good semester with them.  To talk to them if I have problems with their class.

All of this is good advice.  Let me sum it up for you, my bloggers.

Anything worth having.  Anything that is good.  It take time and patience.  You must be willing to carefully nurture it in order to have something good come of it.  Relationships, homes, lifestyles, hobbies, goals.  These all take time.  It will try you at times, but remember 1 Cor 13 and you will be fine :)

1 comment:

  1. Mom - ConnieCockleshellSeptember 24, 2011 at 5:02 PM

    It has been my pleasure, Teacher Mindy, (most of the time) to watch you grow up over the years into the person you are today!

    To have held you as a tiny infant that enjoyed wiggling a lot, to watching all your "firsts".

    Now you are a "first" in the immediate family you grew up around, to be working overseas as an educator.

    Enjoyable is the word that I find I like so much about reading your blogs. You are out on a front line, alike in many ways as your twin brother, yet with vast differences is a few ways.

    Thank you for your continuity in keeping up with these postings! They bring a peacefulness with them as you describe your life in another part of the world.

    I look forward to finding something special to send to you. Still thinking pretty hard about that. Mailing time of October is coming very soon. To get to hear from you like this instantaneously is a whole big difference than seeing how long it takes to send a package.

    May the Lord keep us safe from all harm and danger!
