
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Friday, September 30, 2011


So I really wanted my own food.  Even if it wouldn't taste completely like home (their sauces here, though not spicy, are definitely different.  Sweeter in a lot of cases.)  I have the ingredients now to make pasta, but what about implements.

I, armed with advice from Linda, used the skillet to boil water with.  It is high enough on the sides to do the trick.  Then when it was done boiling, I drained my pasta very carefully.  See I don't have a strainer too.  Several spoons utilized like chopsticks did a lot better than I feared.  Then it is a matter of combining sauce and cheese.  Voila!  Food!

Things are different.  However they are doable. Sometimes it is just a matter of being creative and willing to be flexible.  Running and complaining at every snag gets you know where.  When you are in difficult situations that conventional methods are not feasible, then think outside the box.


  1. Mom - Connie L VealOctober 1, 2011 at 5:54 PM

    Teacher Mindy,
    You have logical problem solving and practicality in your genes.
    Really helps with thinking outside the box!

  2. I am not always as practical as I wish I was. But I try. It does amuse me sometimes how big problems really are not that big yet a big deal is made over the.

  3. do they sell tomatos... tomatos plus some stuff can equal sauce!
