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Thursday, September 29, 2011


My students are very much focused on doing well on their grades.  Midterms are next week, so all they do is study.  They stop only to go to class, eat, and walk between buildings.

A lot of students are pulling all nighters.  Today in class, since International classes do not count for an actual grade nor do we do midterms, I played a video on the Phoenicians.  All but one student was asleep within minutes.  I didn't wake them up.  There was no need.  If I had given study time, they would have studied.  I'm worried about their basic needs of which one is sleep.  They know this particular content because we spent several days on it.  This was simply an extension of that so that they were more exposed to English.

They are only in middle school yet work this hard.  I admire them, but wouldn't trade my life for theirs.  I like who I am and know that my own experiences shaped me into who I am today.  They experiences will shape them as well.  It is my job to make sure they can get there... knowing more English if possible.


  1. Turns out there is a common belief that if you sleep more than 4 hours a night, you won't get into a university.

  2. Mom - Connie L VealOctober 1, 2011 at 5:44 PM

    High standards have a heavy price, don't they?!!!!
