
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Friday, September 30, 2011


Went into town today to get groceries.  Needed them quite a bit.  Have a three day weekend ahead of me.

I wanted to make speghetti.  Sadly, the sauce isn't the same as in America.  What I wouldn't give for prego.  Anyrate, got my noodles and sauce.  I really like a little cheese in my pasta so went to get some.  Not only did I get cheese... but it had an extra packet of cheese taped to it so I got another smaller bag of it for free!  Love shopping in Korea!

I went with a friend and we decided to walk back.  It is a 5 minute drive.  However walking is an hour.  We were just starting out when someone stopped and said he knew us.  So my friend and I climbed in (Korea is a strangely trusting place) and he questioned us as to if we knew his daughter who goes to our school.  Kinda... but not in our classes so not really.

Thankfully nothing horrible happened from going with that stranger.  He was who he said he was.  We didn't have to walk that far, though we were willing.  And I can make my own food!  Now to go get that cheese out :)


  1. Mom - Connie L VealOctober 1, 2011 at 5:50 PM

    Our desire for spaghetti is amazingly at the same time! You have a "twilight bark"-(101 Dalmations)
    that has sent a subtle appetite request?

  2. I have to admit, I also want cottage cheese loaf and green bean casserole. I want grandma's oatmeal patties with mushroom soup sauce, meatballs, and nonbake cookies. I want goulash. Can't really get those without the right ingredients and I am almost out of won. When I get paid, I can go to costco, hopefully, and find what I need for some of these.
