
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Second Chances

Coming to South Korea to teach English has been something full of second chances for me.  I have just finished my second day of teaching with the feeling that I can do this.  I came back to my apartment not feeling so tired.  I feel optimistic that I can make it through this week.  I am learning so much... and trying to remember it all so it can be placed here for you.  That way you can learn too!

One major second chance I am experiencing here is the chance to get along with another culture.  I was accused during student teaching that I could only teach white kids because I had been homeschooled, grew up in small towns, and graduated with a class of less than 20 students.  It didn't matter that I had also gone to private and public schools.  It didn't matter that I had lived in some large towns too.  It didn't matter that my graduating class had white kids as a minority.  I am white and had other factors influencing me... so it was something I was accused of.  I have a second chance to prove to myself that I am can do this.

Another major second chance I am experiencing is not just managing a classroom in general, but learning discipline skills.  I may have used them before, but the accusation (again from student teaching) that I would never learn to discipline kids (because of the said background above) so should just teach rich white kids kept me from being confident in my abilities.  I am during good here.  I can see that I am doing good.  I can tell what methods I am using.  I can see myself as I put things into practice.  It isn't vague or desperate... it is controlled.  I have a second chance to prove to myself that I have these abilities.

Another second chance I am getting is relying on God.  Yes, I have and always have.  I just felt that there were so many things in the states that were distracting me.  I'm having a bit of trouble setting a routine here and making sure I get my devotions and other spiritual activities in, but I know I can and have less to influence me otherwise.  I feel more confident after all that has happened to get me here that God wants me here and will take care of me.  I know I can trust Him, and I know that He won't ever, EVER, leave me alone.  I have that second chance to rely and follow His leading.

I've been meaning to eat more healthily.  At school there was so many excuses to eat chips, chocolate, and ice cream.  To go get pizza or graze constantly until I was sick.  I worked to curb that.  It did no good.  Here I am eating in a South Korean cafe where the culture literally is to be as healthy as possible.  The foods are all good for you.  Rice.  Kimchi.  Greens.  What they have that is sweet is healthy... bananas, blueberry juice, yogurt juice, soy bean juice... and jelly is in such small amounts that it too is healthy.  I have a second chance at a healthier lifestyle!

There are more things.  Many more things.  Smaller subjects.  The point is, I have a chance at a better life.  A chance to get on my feet.  A chance to set good habits.  A chance to face the world with my hand held by Jesus.  A chance to do things better.  A second chance.


  1. Mom - ConnieCockleshellSeptember 22, 2011 at 5:51 PM

    Lo, He is with you always!

    My prayers ascend daily for you to succeed in your labor of love to serve our mighty God!

  2. We knew this place would be SO good for you! I love this post, and was impressed by your comments in the 3rd paragraph. All I can say is I agree - you can DO ANYTHING YOU WANT and God with you will make it HAPPEN!! You will be amazing! :D I am just jealous I am not there to enjoy the food with you...haha
