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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Etiquette... and heart attack

So when I went to visit the principle the other day, I had a fellow Korean teacher come with me to translate.  This was needed because though the principle understands English, he is still learning a lot.

Knocked, opened the door, bowed, removed shoes, put on slippers, went to chair, sat when he sat, he talked, translator translated, I knodded (I wasn't supposed to talk, oops), and then we all stood together, bowed, went to door, bowed, removed slippers, put on shoes, bowed, and left.

Today he came into my office!  Shocked.  I froze.  I just smiled and nodded as he explained as he explained he would visit one of my classes.  I forgot to stand.  I forgot to bow.  I just sat and tried to not outright panic.  I broke a lot of social norms.  And I still have to try to teach in front of this important man!  Oh my!

1 comment:

  1. Mom - ConnieCockleshellSeptember 22, 2011 at 4:46 PM

    You will make it through, Teacher Mindy!

    I have confidence the visit will turn out just fine.
