
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Discipline Story

So the conversation classes are notorious for being unruly and hard to teach, especially the sophomore classes.  First day had shown me a bit of that.

Today was a new day.  I was worried because after the first day, they tend to loosen up and be more themselves.  I didn't want to have a class go out of control on me.

We were getting started, I was explaining something, they were talking a little bit.  Two of the smallest boys in that class started fighting on the floor.  It was so much like the inner city middle school I had student taught at that I reverted immediately back to that when I responded... reflex, habit, auto pilot

"Hey!" (Teacher command, slightly scary for students voice).  Pause for effort as they froze, terror in their eyes as they stared at me.  "Get in your seats."  (Voice still steely).  They couldn't run fast enough.

My class was calm, quiet, and we got a lot done contrary to normal behavior... or so I am told.

^_^  Yay me!


  1. Mom - ConnieCockleshellSeptember 22, 2011 at 6:12 PM

    Yes, YAY for Teacher Mindy!

    Is there any chance your childhood upbringing helped you succeed and surpass others' expectations?
    Ha! :D

  2. A lot of what I know and did is from my education at Union College.
