
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


South Korea is truly a protected place.

When Christianity reached South Korea, it blossomed.  Never has Christianity spread in a place so quickly.  Christians here are very true to their beliefs.  They follow their faith.  It hasn't become corroded like it has in the west.  In the US, you have people who are Christians cussing up a storm and throwing temper tantrums at every person who walks past their place.  Here, the principles of how to live your life as a Christian for the most part is a part of their culture.

Geographically, South Korea is protected.  There are mountains everywhere creating valleys for most major cities and the small towns and villages.  Within these valleys are hills above the valley floor.  That is the type of location I am at.  We don't have twisters or thunderstorms.  They just don't exist here.  No one here has felt an earthquake, or at least no one I have met has.  There are no volcanoes.  Tsunamis can't reach beyond the coast (thank you mountains and high elevation).  Flooding doesn't really occur often, just during the rainy season.  Even then not often nor in many places.

There are some Koreans who are Christians who believe that God has special plans for this place.  A fellow foreigner Christian pointed out this week that we are about as far east as you can go.  In the Bible it says Jesus' second return would be in the east.  I know, I know... you can go east all year and never reach the end.  The Bible also says when He returns, everyone will see Him.  So starting at one point seems a bit off, but still.  This place seems special and protected by God at times.

1 comment:

  1. Mom - Connie L VealMarch 24, 2012 at 11:28 AM

    How awesome for people to find the Lord and to live for Him! What a privilege that you are able to share your passion for believing our great God's Word and living your life as a model for everyone around you, no matter where you are! Jesus' coming is one day sooner and I pray that we will have our hearts prepared and ready to meet Him at any moment!
