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Friday, March 9, 2012

New Changes

Learning to be flexible and able to take on new challenges is what being in South Korea is all about.

We had a meeting this morning to discuss the first week and any last minute changes the school wanted to have.  One of them being adding to my schedule a night class.  I now teach 8 preps as well as English Sabbath School, dorm worship, and helping with the English Newspaper Club.  That part of the contract that says "and do anything else the school requires..." was applied here.

Funny thing about working in Korea is that the contract you sign is actually worthless.  In American it is a big deal to hold to the contract.  In Korea, it is signed simply because the government requires it.  My contract says that I have two weekends free.  At the beginning of this school year, we were told they were changing the program so that we worked three weekends a month.  We could have the first weekend off.  This month we worked the first weekend as well.  As you can see, things are a bit different here than in America.

Hence the age old advice for foreign teachers: Be Flexible.

1 comment:

  1. Mom - Connie L VealMarch 18, 2012 at 6:11 AM

    And the blessings you provide for the students involved in your extra labor of love will be unknown till we meet together in Heaven!
