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Friday, March 2, 2012


Well folks.  The inevitable has happened.  I am in need of medical services in Korea.  A filling came out of a tooth leaving a gaping hole.  My fear and distrust of dentists made me hesitant to seek help.  Now a week later (and my paycheck is here too) that same tooth chipped.  A side of it fell off.  So now the hole is one with the lack of a side on my tooth.  Going to have to go to the dentist on Monday.  You don't make appointments here. You can just walk on in.  So even if I am dragged into the office by my toe nails, I will go simply because my fear of a broken tooth is bigger than my fear of dentists.  Besides, Korean dentists aren't out for money like in America.  I hear that they are actually more skilled and that their fillings don't fall out.  So, prayer for me!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are holding up positive about this and that you are getting the necessary attention for this.

    You are always in my prayers, Teacher!
