
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Monday, March 5, 2012

E Mart Surprises

Today when I went to E Mart, I was just getting a cart when a Korean girl came happily up to me saying "Teacher Teacher."  I'm sure she is in high school now because she was a student last year and no longer in my class.  She asked if I was still at the school and I said yes.  We talked happily for a few minutes, then she ran to catch up with her mom.  They looked so happy together, talking like best of friends.

I ambled down towards the food section (just went to the dentist, how else should I relax but attempt not to stress eat) and looked over the bakery items.  I found I wasn't interested in the cookies or donuts, particularly those with chocolate.  That baffled me.  I picked up some filled donuts... raspberry filling I think.  Moved on to the meat section.  They had warm and ready to eat packaged chicken... but I wasn't sure how long until I got back home and didn't want the meat to cool... food poisoning isn't fun.  So passed until I got to the pizza.  Ordered a pizza slice and it is still sitting beside me wanting to be eaten.  I took a bite, and it is okay.  Slightly on the cool side but okay.


  1. So I was wondering if you have learned any Korean Recipes during your time there? And if so, would you mind passing them along for me to try :)

  2. I know the general idea behind some of the foods, but not their actual recipes. I can tell you what I really enjoy eating. There are some recipes for them on google. I highly recommend bulgogi. It is tasty by itself or wrapped in lettuce leaf with a red pepper paste. Kimbap is also a favorite and is similar to sushi. Here is a website with some of the main dishes with their descriptions, Korean names, and recipes. http://koreanfood.about.com/od/koreanfoodbasics/u/traditionalrecipes.htm

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Might I also suggest using google to find chicken recipes that use soy sauce as a base. They are also pretty yummy ^_^

  5. It is a good thing to want to eat after a dentist visit? lol
    You are so funny sometimes! Passing up cookies and donuts - uh,
    what exactly did the dentist inject you with to numb your mouth?
    Hmmmmm, wasn't thinking of soft foods at all? Pizza? ~_~'

    Your former student was very kind to enthusiastically welcome you to another teaching year. Very nice! LIKE!!! It has always sounded like you have really nice students to work with. That should be appreciated highly!
