
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Monday, March 5, 2012

E Mart and Rain

Korea is very efficient and accommodating in many ways.  After going to the dentist, I realized I was extremely tense and needed to calm down.  So Teacher Oh dropped me off at E Mart so I could walk it off  before getting on a bus.

By the way, it has been raining for two days.  Nothing heavy, but nothing light either.

I get to the door and see people leaving.  As they come out, they are taking plastic off of their umbrellas and putting them in a container situated outside.  Beside that is a tubular container full of similar plastic bags.  I walk up to it, close my umbrella, look at the tubular device, look up at a high school Korean girl, and display "deer-in-headlights" face.  She explains in rather decent English how to use it and I gladly went inside with my wet umbrella unable to make a mess.

1 comment:

  1. With your dad extolling the virtues of efficiency in Europe, especially the measures used in Germany, and with your singing praises of efficiency there in Korea, it would seem that a committee should be formed in the Dept of Education, to learn these things, and then assign a group of educators and scientists in another committee to find a way to make all this better use of land, materials, etc., part of the learning experience in the schools and the next generation can grow up implementing them in the United States. With, of course, sub-committees in each individual state, county, and school district to personalize the various aspects to the specifics of each region and locale.

    Come to think of it, maybe you and Dad can sit down and create the New America Way, and go on tours of lecture series with model demonstrations to promote these things. Why, you might even design an American style for the products and equipment and sell it, as well.

    This could be a new career direction, huh! :)
