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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I had my juniors reading a story titled "Stop the Sun" where a boy deals with his father's Vietnam syndrome.  In order for the students to get an idea of what the Vietnam war was like without actually exposing them to the more gruesome scenes, I played the video Operation Dumbo Drop.  It is a story of American soldiers replacing an elephant that was killed for a village that had helped them.  It is a comedy that Disney created.  Unfortunately, despite being a disney movie, there was some cussing.  The very thing I am trying to keep my students from doing.  It wasn't hardcore or anything, but not something that should be in a Seventh-day Adventist school.  Feeling a bit horrible for not reviewing the movie.  I had only remembered the plotline, the friendships built, and that it showed a little of the culture in Vietnam.  I had forgotten some of the language that was used.  You live and learn.  Won't be showing the movie again.

1 comment:

  1. Mom - Connie VealMay 3, 2012 at 4:32 PM

    So many people have been in that sticky situation. I tend to remember the story line, and have probably tuned out the language and actions that I do not use in my own life. I was caught in the same scenario one time in a classroom and was duly embarrassed totally. I had seen the movie some years before and watching it through one time, I had concentrated on the direction of the story and "jumped" past language I hear in the everyday world that I do not personally use. I vowed to check my educational, informative movies thoroughly before showing any again. I have found it interesting to hear folks who I have great admiration for in their achievements and skills and work who relate the same thing occurring to them when they get a movie to share for a small, informal friends' get-together evening, along with other educational personnel also. We can truly identify the squirming we have gone through on the re-play of what all the movie had in it that we didn't pay attention to the first time we had seen it. You are right - - - live and learn!
