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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dorm Worship

Tonight was my first night holding dorm worship.  Well, it is a mixture of casual conversation and then worship.  I sat down with the 8 freshmen that are staying in the girls English dorm and we talked.  We talked about anything that came to mind.  I actually managed to remember all 8 of the girls' names.  Whether that was because I memorized who sat where or them time will tell.  I tried to look at their faces to remember them by.  It might be hard though.  I still am having trouble remembering faces and names.  It is the same problem I encountered in student teaching.  Smaller groups seem to be a preference at this point.  Will wait and see as time goes by how God leads me on that.

After that we had worship.  We attempted to sing two songs.  First verse is okay, but after that we all needed practice.  I told them a Bible text I had picked out for them.  Deut 31:6 talks about trusting in God to always take care of you.  I told them what it meant to me.  Then they told me what it meant to them.  Then we closed with prayer.

I learned something tonight, again.  It never ceases to amaze me their focus on their studies.  They are counting down with trepidation towards midterms... which is in 43 days.  Yep.  They started a countdown.  I will keep an eye on them and be sure to not overload them in the classes I teach.  I know that their other classes are a bit more important when it comes to their welfare and ensuring that they do not bring ill health to themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Mom - Connie L VealMarch 18, 2012 at 6:28 AM

    So glad to hear you are helping with dorm worship! Yay!
    Maybe you will have a countdown toward every worship experience you enjoy with the students! :)
    How fun!
